Cops are Cowards

in #tdv3 years ago

Cops are Cowards

It would be nice if the mythology about "the brave men and women of law enforcement," and the image of police that you see on TV and in movies, in some way resembled reality. But it doesn't.

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Further Reading:

Cops showing their "courage" at Columbine:

Cops routinely shoot the wrong person:

Check out today’s video..!


Force always attracts men of low morality. -Albert Einstein

so true

agreed. remember the waco atrocity. one of the most disgusting acts of cowardice you will see in regards to so called law enforcement. the four agents that got killed? shit on their graves. too bad the davidians didn't take out more of the fucks.
to the 79 innocent people suffocated, blown up and burned, may you be in heaven if there is a judgment day. rest in peace good people. i'm sorry for what they did to you.
if you look at the footage on the first day of the raid, they looked like a bunch of amateurs on a hunting trip and in the well known footage of the agents climbing the ladder to get to david koresh room, one dickhead shoots himself in the leg on the way up the ladder. that's how professional they were. there is speculation that some agents were also shot by friendly fire which is probably true.
the pigs, atf etc call themselves a brotherhood. it's not. it just a state sanctioned gang.

waco. never forget.

thanks for posting Larken.