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RE: Shanghai Horrors, Booster Vax Maxxers and The Ukraine False Flag is Here

in #tdv3 years ago

"they won't allow me to attend the college , go to gym" - Just take classes online, there are tons of great courses (who really gives a shit about a college degree anyways these days (imo)). As for the gym, I miss it too sometimes, but I just work out at home now. Usually outdoors too, so that I get some vitamins at the same time I'm oxygenating. Granted, the hot bodies at the gym are missed, but most of them are typically pretty shallow anyway. Better to find yourself a nice, loyal Amish-style life-partner who isn't afraid to get dirty. Hang in there @kashmiri and just detox yourself from all that old-world stuff :)


Hey bro i wanted to thank you. You are super positive and super active and it seems like you just want to help people and learn(I am all about that). The comments on here are generally positive and it gives me faith that there a good people out there and that comments scetions are only toxic if you cater to a toxic demo... Keep spreading the love bro! 👍

BIG FACTS It was hard at first but I just started working out from home about a year ago and cut out all fast food a couple months before. and man my life has really changed (I mean I also left Communist Canada and came to Jamaica so there are other factors) but before I left Canada I weighed 275, I'm 6'4 so I wasn't OBESE but I've lost 80 pounds in less than a year and now I'm working on toning my chest and abs.

All from running like 2km 5 days a week, pushups, planking, and lifting cinder blocks in my yard. You will miss the baddies at the gym but there are some fine ass women roaming the streets of Jamaica

and for real learn crypto. I ain't rich yet but i have made enough and learned enough to know that this is my shit. I fucken love it.

As another young man that woke up to all this shit early teen years it was depressing as shit. I spent years learning about all the problems and not being offered much of a solution. I mean beyond learning that literally anything is possible and you can meditate yourself into a state where you can levitate, heal, teleport ect... Crypto gives the power back to the people if they learn what it is and where the real value is. and Jeff has been preaching for years now XMR ARRR and DERO are the future of money..... FULL STOP!

Goodluck buddy , you gonna tone up your chest soon and have an awesome body.

I have to learn ' Meditation ' , i tried once or twice , but I can't focus and many thoughts pop up in my head.

ARRR , DERO are freaking great , i have always recommended these to people and spoken about privacy.

I heard a comedian bring up this in his routine yesterday but somebody told him "let the thoughts enter your brain but don't serve them tea" the idea is not to think of nothing. but to draw your attention to the present. whenever i get a distracting thought i just focus back on my breath (my #1 way of centering myself in the present)

You're right buddy, college degrees suck , I ain't interested. Just doing it for my parents ( old school ) and companies look for the degree if i wish to work , i mean i gotta start somewhere. Have already learnt a lot about finance , world - Switching gear towards coding after some time. Important skill to have. Then will get a job so i can focus how to get out of this dumb sheep society.