Jeff , you're literally living in the heaven called Mexico. I am broke rn , but its my dream to come there. But atleast i am thankful to people like you , including - David Icke , James Corbett , WAM , Mike Maloney , Press For Truth ( forgetting some ) - I am not a sheep because of you guys.
And its very sad when i see the affairs of world today - How people are brainwashed , how media and movies have left them in believing the evil stuff is good. ( Normalising Sex with tons of women , alcohol , partying as you all have peanuts in your head... Ok its personal choice but When we talk about Financial system , the people who are running the world and caused wars , destruction , changed cultures , forced things upon us. Either i am told to shut up , labelled as brainwashed conspiracy guy and just told live my life and don't interfere with others.
I used to get so depressed about it in the past , honestly still i am but i am like , i cannot change what they think , believe so i am living my life. I would say 99.99% people are Robots around me , its so sickening in living among these creatures. God help me.