Yes Please. U could use Handbrake to compress it offline or there may be other online tools via search engine. I'm on discord. @infogeick Send me a link there to download it.
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Yes Please. U could use Handbrake to compress it offline or there may be other online tools via search engine. I'm on discord. @infogeick Send me a link there to download it.
When I have some time, I'll see what I can do.
I don't want to make it public you see. If I do this, I only do it on a personal level. First I need to catch up with the news, watch some videos, such as this one to start with.
If you send an e-mail, just put 'TDV' or 'TCV' in the subject line, to, then I'll find a way to transfer the file, I hope. I can't promise anything. The file may be too big, in which case I'll try to split it, but you gotta give me some time.
Yeah, maybe don't share our content
*Paid content that is :)
I figured it out. You send me an e-mail. First I need to split te file, then send both parts to wetransfer. You'll find the download links in the inbox of the address you e-mailed me from. It's gonna be mp4, I'm not sure if I could make an mpeg or an avi. I use Movie Maker, so a little quality will be lost, but not a lot. The sound quality will be fine. No worse than the original, which at the start is not really good, because the guy doesn't want his voice recognized. But you can understand what is being said.
Perfect via spliting. Sending the email shortly.
Change of plans. I'm gonna have to learn how to use handbrake, to compress it so it will fit in one file. Wetransfer transfers a max of 2 GB, so that should be possible with handbrake I guess.
I do not know how to use discord. I do not think I have been there yet.
Use Winrar. Compress and archive the video file and split it 1.7Gbytes for the first file and the second file should be smaller than 2 Gbytes as well. Use and send the 2 files to the email. No need 4 Handbrake anymore.