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RE: The Old Dog Presents: A Foreign Tax Haven Within Switzerland.

in #taxhaven7 years ago

I remember Switzerland as a beautiful place, although I never did get to Lake Lugano. We visited some friends whose business there afforded them the ability to maintain a chalet in a rural area, where I was able to see wild Chamois, probably even more rare now, and was astounded by the Escargot 'ranching' operations raising snails for the culinary trade.

Actually, what I remember most clearly about the entire trip was losing my ability to enjoy cauliflower, as they kept an organic garden, and served us a meal prepared from it, including cauliflower they had grown. When I had speared a tasty looking chunk with my fork and raised it to my mouth, I was horrified to discover it was not cauliflower at all, but a grub the size of my thumb!

I've never eaten cauliflower since. =/


That's a funny story about the cauliflower. I had a similar experience eating cherries once! Thanks!