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RE: The Old Dog Presents: A Foreign Tax Haven Within Switzerland.

in #taxhaven7 years ago

That place is awesome!! I want to buy or rent somewhere there. Taxes in general are actually bad, forcing you to turn over a portion of your earned money is no different to being robbed in the street for some of your hard earned income, it is always morally wrong to force someone to do anything against their will unless it is to prevent them hurting someone else. Obviously people will say well how do we fund things then? for a start I think the ONLY duty of a government is protection of it's citizens through the law and from outside attackers so a way to fund this would be to charge for contracts that the law/government are there to uphold or protect for you. Charge road users who actually use the rd per mile or whatever not everyone....there could be a miriad of things to find and use without restorting to in effect robbery and extortion


It is a complex problem and there is a lot of corruption!