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RE: The Old Dog Presents: A Foreign Tax Haven Within Switzerland.

in #taxhaven8 years ago

@kus-knee A new study has now uncovered all the world's corporate tax havens and, for the first time, revealed the intermediary countries that companies use to funnel their money into these places.

Published on July 24 in the academic journal Scientific Reports, the paper Uncovering Offshore Financial Centers: Conduits and Sinks in the Global Corporate Ownership Network shows that offshore finance is not the exclusive business of exotic, far-flung places such as the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.

The Netherlands and the United Kingdom also play a crucial – although a heretofore obscure – role in the tax-avoidance game, acting as conduits for corporate profits as they make their way to tax havens.


Here's a link to the paper I found.

Thanks for letting me know about it!

Yes what a crazy game we must all play!

Thanks so much for the info. It would seem that you have a lot of knowledge on this subject. Have you written on this topic?