Tau.net's Business Update (July 2023) - New website & marketing campaign soon?

in #tau2 years ago (edited)


  • New content, infographics, and charts about Tau's power compared to other formal specification languages are being added.
  • There's a focus on repositioning Tau as a software development tool for the formal specification market.
  • Team is aggregating content for online forums and communities related to formal methods and model-based systems engineering.
  • The team is revamping the website's copy, infographics, and images to better explain Tau's advantages and impact in the software world. They are confident in the improvements.
  • Basically, the project's marketing is gonna focus on going big in the world of formal specification.

Below is the transcript for the month's update:-

"Hello everyone, so basically for this whole month, there are a couple of little tasks that we have done in the backend. So there's nothing much that I would like to share about it, but the most important part is the new web page that we're currently doing. There's new content being done, and there are a lot of infographics being made by me at this moment, and a lot of charts that you will see in the future of how Tau is more powerful than the other formal specification languages. Not only that, but there's a whole team that's going to be done as well. Not only the colors that we use now, but the whole fonts and the whole columns kind of structure that's going to be done for the next couple of weeks as well. So this whole month was basically planning and designing some of the bits. Content is already there; there is also new stuff that we want to implement too. So pretty much this whole month has been a whole month for me, and hopefully, I will be able to provide more and give you this visual new Tau look in the next couple of weeks, and that's basically it from my side. Thank you."

"Fantastic, thank you very much, Igor. I'll pass it over to Carolina. Over to you."

"Hi, everyone. My quick update is that I've been mostly working on the website makeover. Because as you know, we've been repositioning Tau as a software development tool for the formal specification market. So we've been working on content based on that content for the homepage and the Tau product page. So these are the two pages that will be the first to get a makeover. We've been working together with Fola, having a lot of discussions, getting inputs from other team members, and our goal is to find the best way to brand some of the Tau features and to make sure that the content is as impactful as it is easy to understand."

"Alright, thank you very much, Carolina. I'll pass it over to you, Killian. Over to you."

"Hi, everybody. So this month, I've been working on aggregating different online forums, discussion groups, and mailing lists all around the topic of formal methods and model-based system engineering. Because this is exactly the domain that Tau is operating in. And together with Fola, I've been preparing content to be posted in these outlets. We've already posted some content in some of these groups, and I've already got some interesting responses. Some of these responses are quite technical, so I'm going back and forth with the team, trying to get the right answers to these questions. And the goal is to establish a greater presence in these forums or in these communities that highly correlate or relate to our endeavor. Thank you."

"Thank you very much, Killian. And for me, to wrap up, I've been involved in what Igor and Carolina have been up to. We've been working on the website copy a lot, the new homepage, the new Tau page, new Agoras page, all coming very, very soon. Our understanding of formal methods and the world that we play in and what we bring to the rest of the software development world is massive. And how we implement these advantages in a blockchain and what we bring back to you guys is really, really big. And to be able to really explain that much clearer and then have you guys understand that is super important. So now we're there. We're really confident that we're going to be able to take this website, take all of our new copy, all of our infographics and images, and all the content we're generating, and be able to push that more publicly and have it land a thousand times better than it landed before. And we've already run some tests on that and we've run some private small messages here and there and tested on different social platforms and garnered some anecdotal feedback. And it's just very, very different from how people understood it previously. So it's definitely a step in the right direction for us. But yeah, that is it for the month from the business team. Thank you so much, and we'll continue to keep plugging away. And as I had mentioned in the Q&A, we are moving very, very fast. And yeah, we'll see you on the other side. Cheers."

For more info: https://tau.net Telegram community: https://t.me/tauchain Announcement channel: https://t.me/TauAgorasANN



Feel like that token progresses slower than Hive miraculously.

  • team doesn't engage in market making.
  • its sub-$10 mcap (clearly underfunded)
  • difficult to find talent to speed up dev of the tech at hand
  • actual mainnet is not even up yet

so it's not that surprising lol

Tau website will obviously get much much audience as there are talented people who are working to improve it.

There’s so much going on here with a lot of hands of deck. It will work out fine. More audience in Tau website and it will be running swiftly