Tattoo Story Contest

Being an adult seems to come at the harsh price of reality. No more Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, magic kingdoms, or many of the ideas that brought awe and wonder to us as children. We learn what we can't do and how impossible most things are. I want to suspend time, become invisible, hurl a fireball from the palm of my hand if I so chose. My tattoo enables me to do all of that and more. The CO cartridge is filled with the serum that corresponds to the power of my choice.  I'm not delusional, my feet are firmly planted on the ground, but this tattoo reminds me that I-we-my children deserve to have super powers and ignore limits regardless of what the world around tries to impose. 

"The only limits we have we place upon ourselves" -Richard Bach


You are entered @pharnal!
I'll include this in the Midweek Update!

Nice story, and very cool tattoo.