I was born in the 80’s. For me it was the best decade, full of happiness and joy. I was a kid playing in my own world, feeling safe and loved. Every day was a chance for some new discovery and one of them were some strange pictures on adult peoples’ arms. I didn’t know what that was, until I discovered pictures you could stick to your skin which came together with a… bubble gum. I was sure those people liked chewing gums a lot. Ouch!
In the 90’s everything turned around, life lost its colors just like the pictures from my bubble gums. Life became a struggle. There were some tough periods, separation from my family, doubt in people and life. I fought with the situation and I never stopped fighting. The point is to keep fighting no matter what. If you never give up then you can bring all the colors back.
I took my pencil and started to draw. I drew a bird in flames still flying, never stopping and yin yang symbol which represents “good and bad in balance” made from the smoke. That drawing was the symbol of my life and it gave me the strength to go on. It meant so much to me that I decided to carry it with me all the time.
To brate ne vjerujem da imas yin-yang tetovazu, znaci evo sto sam ti rekao da nista nije slucajno :) Zao mi je sto si kao lima imao teske periode, ali mislim da se sve dogada sa razlogom. U pravu si da je formula volja.
Za kraj od Rolex-a:
"Samo napred brate, nema ustezanja, u zivotu uvek vise sranja nego zezanja, digni glavu brate..."
haha svaka slučajnost je namerna...to je život pa nema poente nervirati se ili još gore predati se.
To brate :) Bas mi je drago sto si dosao na steemit, life-changer je
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