This AA restaurant is the most popular restaurant in the Lhokseumawe area.
Cuisine in this restaurant are available in various kinds of menus.
AA restaurants are available such as grilled fish, fried fish, chicken rendang, fried chicken, grilled chicken, and various vegetable dishes,
This AA cuisine house is located at jln.gudang no 2, Lhokseumawe, banda sakti, lhokseumawe city.
This cuisine house also accepts orders, well for you guys who are hard to find delicious and famous dishes can visit the AA cuisine house.
These dishes are also cheap, not surrender to our wallets.
This cuisine is very tasty and delicious that can make the taste on our tongue always wants.
Thank you for reading.
Restaurant Information
rumah makan AA
Jl. Gudang Baru No.2, Lhokseumawe, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24314, Indonesia
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