Hey @isaria, I enjoy being on the show with you and @sunravelme! Looking forward to this Saturday, as well!
I hope I didn't misconvey to you, because I feel like self inquiry is essential. What I'd intended to mention is that when I am feeling myself full of negativity, I stay away from the cards til I work on my energy first.
It can be challenging to read, especially for oneself. It is a wonderful challenge.
Loved your first tarot post and the insights you shared. Hope to see more from you on #tarottuesdays!!
Ahhh ok yes I remember now. You did say to perhaps stay away from the cards when feeling negative, I forgot!
Thanks for all your help and I'll talk to you during the show!
I would love to do that!
And also, it's not to say there's anything at all wrong with reading when you are called to do so. I was just stating how for me, I find I get a much better read if I manage the energy first and then approach the reading. I tend to get more out of it that way.