Tarot Tuesday - 5 card general reading for the week April 17th - 24th

in #tarottuesday7 years ago

Do you love tarot, too - feel free to join in!
I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #TarotTuesday party! Be sure to check out @SteemitTarot which keeps Tarot going all week long!

I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and help others with my cards! I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding of the cards and go into a bit more detail in the dtube video - so be sure to check out the video to get a more in depth explanation of your card. Sorry guys - next week I hope! Have a lot of things going on and barely the time to do this post - let alone make the video too!

A Quick Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring is based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a specific type of real person. Also, there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays.

Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want) which you are drawn to.

sorry forgot to add the numbers in but please assume 1 - 5 from left to right to choose

Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll

1.Four of Autumn | Banshee

Book’s Interpretation

The Banshee brings you bad news or a warning of disaster. She is telling you that others are working behind the scenes to do you a disservice. Beware of evil gossip about you and treachery by disloyal friends.

My Thoughts

The banshee cry signifies bad news of some kind. This is not meant to cause paranoia but simply to warn you and keep you on your toes. Perhaps it’s time to reassess your circle of friends or watch what you say in the workplace. See the banshee as the canary in the coal mine and take time to fully inspect your plans.

2. Lady of Autumn | Morgan Le Fay

Book’s Interpretation

Morgan Le Fay is the mistress of occult knowledge. She indicates wisdom and power gained from study and experience combined. She may indicate aspiration and ambition but also could point to cunning and ruthlessness. She may represent a real person: an independent woman who covets success, passionate, sensual and fond of possessions and pleasure, also capable of being manipulative and controlling.

My Thoughts

This card is a very powerful card - it represents the tightrope on which the occult walks. There is a fine line between ambition and cunning so be careful how you tread. This card reflects the knowledge gained from study and experience which is a very powerful combination. Be sure to check with your motivations so you do not become consumed by the power that you hold. When one reaches this card you have the choice whether to use your power to help or cause harm - and only you can make that choice. If the aforementioned description does not fit your current feelings perhaps the cards are warning you about a woman in your life. Be careful of those who are overly possessive and controlling. Do not allow the lure of passion or material objects to put yourself in a position where you are under this woman’s control.

3. Two of Summer | Wayland Smith

Books Interpretation - Reversed

When the Wayland Smith appears reversed he heralds rivalry, delays, and stiff competition. He may indicate inattention to detail as the cause of failure, shoddy work and incompetence.

My Thoughts

Wayland Smith reversed is telling you to be prepared to put in the hard work and compete head to head for what you want. It comes with a single piece of advice which is to pay attention to the details and stay on top of each piece of the puzzle - if you do fail the causation will come from missing some detail or overlooking something. Be sure to take your time and keep plugging away.

4. Nine of Winter | Unseelie Court

Book’s Interpretation

The Unseelie court indicates a way of life overturned - unexpected change, anger, frustration, broken promises, hurt, malice, jealousy, - perhaps new but unsuitable alliances.

My Thoughts

When this card shows up I almost always feel it points towards the outside, friends, alliances, business partners. Some kind of change with previous associates has caused anger, frustrations, malice, jealousy even which can push apart the relationship and leave room for unsuitable new partnerships to step in. Maybe you have made some new questionable friendships or perhaps you’re feeling excluded or pushed out of some relationship. No matter the case the cards want you to reflect on your social/business groups and relationships.

5. Lady of Spring | The White Lady

Book’s Interpretation

The White Lady indicates a visit to a special place or a particular event will lead to great changes in your thinking and way of life. The card may indicate a real person: An attractive girl or young woman who is fun loving, convivial and adventurous. She can be a very loyal and warm friend, but is easily hurt. Upset her and you will make a bad enemy.

My Thoughts

I have been seeing this card a lot lately, in fact it appeared last week only reversed. This week the White Lady is upright and promoting great changes in the way you think. Something or some place will cause a new ball to start rolling in your mental life. It may not seem like it at the time but this is the beginning of some new way of thinking for you. This can sometimes be a message from source to get connected with a space you consider sacred and you will receive a much needed message or piece of advice. If you find that the real person sticks out to you the cards could be warning you that this lady friend may be feeling hurt in some way by you and perhaps you should reach out and console her. Source may even be pointing you to take this friend with you to a special place or event.

I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you!
Stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.

I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: third.eye.navigation@gmail.com or find me on discord: amariespeaks#9425

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Nail, meet head! I picked 4, and yep - so, so SO resonates for me! Also, for the first time in ages, I decided to pick one of my cards this morning - since I knew the order, instead of looking at the picture, I drew them from my deck, shuffled the three, then pulled one. Temperance. And my regular daily was Justice.

Thanks, Universe and @amariespeaks - message received loud and clear! LOL!

LOL! sometimes we just need that slap in the face from the universe - that's all :) it's for your own good is what they always tell me lolol ;-)

Yeah, don't cha love when that happens... NOT! LOL!

Universe GIF-downsized_large.gif



LOL loving giphy!! so much fun!

Uh oh!

1.Four of Autumn | Banshee

I will keep my alert up and keep positive vibes going!

Thanks for the warning! :)

oh! glad you got the message - positivism is key! Sending you some good vibes @iexplore :) Thanks for stopping by

Interesting energies for today. I picked #3 and the interpretation you gave sounds like something I was seeing happen while I was in the sauna just a little while ago.

Very cool, @amariespeaks! I'm going to be doing mine soon!

ohh - I love seeing messages align! The wayland smith is an interesting card because the air of victory is there, the potential for great material gains and rewards but by hard work so they want everyone to remember to pay attention to the details and prepare to work their hardest cause if you do it will really pay off

Thanks for stopping by! I have had so much going on in the real world I was off most of the day yesterday but I'm going to yours now :-D

omg..I picked 2 and there is someone that I feel is controlling things way too much and I have been meditating about it for months now...and it's eating at me.


I'm so glad to hear your meditating, I love meditation! :-D you must be making great strides to have chosen Morgan Le Fay - she arrives to someone who is putting in occult/esoteric work in and gaining mastery of the skills at their level.@c77hall I'm sorry you're struggling through that - it's never easy dealing with someone who is controlling. Remember to define and stick to your boundaries, that's the best advice I can give.. and also don't be afraid to speak your mind and stick to your intuition (but that's an everyday skill not just for dealing with controlling personalities lol )

It's also a magical thing that your card deck is called "The Fairy Ring" because I am working on a new post about that. A lot of my posts come from old snapshots through the years and I came across a couple of pictures of the mushrooms that were in a circle in our yard years ago that amazed my kids. I researched it and found that it's called fairy rings...lol..What a coincident that I would be reading your post with that on my mind and then you have it right in your post....The Universe works in magical ways...And about the controlling person...I'm doing a very dangerous thing with that....I am finding ways to out-smart her. The dangerous thing is that people like that, in my past experience, will hate me even more and try to cause even more destruction. My secret weapon with THIS one THIS time is meditation and my protection shield. I do stick to my boundaries though by shutting the door on anything that I know I cannot change and focus on the problem at hand.


ohh I love fairy circles ! how cool :) I think meditation and protection along with trying to tap into some empathy and understanding as to why this person feels the need to control everything may help - I hope! Good luck - I wish you the best of luck with it.

Thank you for the good luck wishes!!


you're welcome!

I picked #5 and got The White Lady. Which makes sense, since I'm brand new to Steem and sitting here having so much fun after discovering the community here. Has certainly started a ball rolling in my mental life!

welcome to Steemit @kim-i-mott ! Glad to have you here :) Oh the White Lady is a good card - little seeds being planted that will grow into great trees! (mentally of course but also could be literal with steem!) thakns so much for stopping by - I'll be sure to check your blog out too.

Keep on keeping on. 😇I would normally read your tt first but found @traciyork icon. Now I'm here, and your answer to my query is immediately spot-on and @traciyork's the assurance. It is Wednesday evening AEST. Tuesday was over 20hr ago, and this morning you hadn't yet posted, so after tea when the cat pins me in the chair and I get back to steemit, I get to read tt on Wed. #4 is a warning I knew and chose before scrolling down here and #1 I had chosen two mins ago also before scrolling down. Reassurance. 👍👌

I love seeing the different readings align! I got a great message from @traciyork too - Temperance for me this week. ohh 1 and 4 do work well to bring a strong message. I'm doing tt on Wed too - I got busy outside of steemit yesterday and missed most of the tarot posts so I'm back tracking today lol

Strength @traciyork, then my usual first reading, which this week made sense of picking Strength, at yours chose the 4th. 👍

very interesting feet afoot to say the least!

Not sure I got that ref. 😑

oohh LOL I didn't notice the autocorrect I was on my mobile ! I meant an interesting WeeK afoot ! lol

Yes, the btchng phone stffs me p, cntnousl 😀