The music of the stars takes us today to dance a waltz with ourselves, our patterns and our fears. Communications will be very direct and sometimes forceful. The Page of Pentacles and the 4 of Wands - 05/09/24

in #tarot6 months ago


Today, now, The Moon conjuncts Venus, Lilith and South Node in Libra. This brings up repeating patterns from the past. Old ties, old jobs, economic issues. And Saturn retrograde in opposition to the Sun, acts as judge in case you have not yet learned that lesson that comes to see you again, to make it clear to you where the limit, security and logic are. Meanwhile, Mercury, already direct in Leo, squares Uranus in Taurus. Communications will be fluid and direct and Uranus the transformer, from the lands of Taurus, adds the necessary pepper so that these messages change the perception we may have of our egos asking and asking for more... Be careful with the freedom we give to our egos . Be careful with what we want because giving and receiving are always the same thing. Today's cards are the Page of Pentacles and the 4 of Wands. The Page of Pentacles tells us that we can find the solution to the problems that arise, but it asks us to reflect, reason and, above all, be realistic in order to do so. Otherwise, the situation will become entrenched and we will repeat patterns again. The 4 of Wands is a card that predicts success in our tasks. It tells us about solutions that will reach us in the moments that challenge us, especially at the domestic level, since it represents the pillars of a house. It encourages us to move forward and happily warns us that we will soon be at peace again. Have a great day and find the key to enjoy your success!!


The Page of Pentacles means that you can find a good path to resolve the current situation. For that, just reflect, reason and be realistic. It represents a messenger and suggests that you will soon get the answers you seek.

The card can still represent someone who can come into your life suddenly, either to help you achieve goals, or to interact with the situation. It also refers to the search for higher knowledge or that this should be valued at this moment.

The Page of Pentacles symbolizes opportunities and the people that arise in our lives. It is a letter of beginnings, of inspiration and the beginning of a creative project or endeavor. It means we have more intuition to create what is necessary.

It suggests that there is a path forward towards success and the energy around this card helps us discover it. We just need to carefully consider our next step, set realistic goals, and accept the help of others who come to help us on our journey.

In the card, we see a young man alone, standing in a blooming field. In the background we can see a forest. He seems to walk slowly, worrying only about the pentagram in his hands. The young man seems to calmly plan his path to success.

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The 4 of Wands means that there may be good surprises on the way. If you are going through a difficult time, this Minor Arcana brings good news and indicates that problems or disturbances may soon be behind you.

The card also represents the pillars of a house, so it also speaks of domestic issues. In a more complete reading, it can be a move, buying a new property, building a house or even going on vacation or returning home. In any case, the letter announces joyful events.

The 4 of Wands symbolizes something good that has arrived or is about to arrive. Therefore, it is a letter of celebration. It can also be read as a welcome letter, either good news or for someone who is arriving. It is a letter of light, full of sun and wrapped in optimism.

In the card we see a happy couple, celebrating with flowers in their hands and crowns on their heads, a symbol of success. It represents a moment of achievement and satisfaction for having achieved a goal.

In the background, another group of people in front of a large castle, also decorated with flowers. It suggests that a celebration is taking place. Whatever it is, this Minor Arcana announces good surprises.


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