What's going on? 🌸

in #tantra2 years ago

🌸 The Earth, like a child, is playing games, creating what we see around, to evolve to develop, to experience.
She is a conscious being, she is the expression of the divine, she is the Creation.
She has the power and the ability to create whatever she wants. Whatever she wants to express, even the things which are for us terrifying. The Earth herself creates life, the animals, plants, trees, birds, all of it which surrounds us.
🌸 Our environment is the Earth, Gaia, Pachamama playing around with colors, forms, and sounds. She sends out the frequencies and the Source replies.
The Source sends the light codes, Spirit gives life to a matter. And the matter lives on its own terms. Just like the Earth received free will, the spirit embodying the matter, transformed into a being, also has free will. It lives its purpose.
🌸 Each time a new creation emerges, a new experience for the Earth and her inhabitants is born and lived.
Now she is done with what she has created so far. She chooses to leave the darkness out of her creation and she calls upon us to come and purify ourselves from the darkness we've been creating with her.
She never leaves us, she is always with us, supporting our process with her precious gifts, with her sacred medicine.
As we purge all that can't live in the Light,as we let go of the lowest frequencies, we ascend.

Author of this beautiful picture unknown to me 😟
🌸 The darkness we experience are parasites. First, they come as energies and then materialize into our bodies, into humans and animals. This has made us blood~thirsty. These energetical beings create more parasites on Earth through us, through our infected mind which gives birth to a sick behavior.
We all carry the Seed of creation inside the pineal gland. Therein all possibilities are encoded. We choose what we create out of our seed. It doesn't really matter in long term on the collective level because it all leads to experiences, but we do need to take responsibility for it. And that is where a lot goes wrong because those who've been engaged in the worst atrocities against children and humanity as a whole, know, there is no way back for them. They don't want to face God (the Source) because it will be the end of their individual existence. They will be recycled, dissolved. So they stay hidden in the deepest darkness and use us to create it for them.
🌸 But now, with the help of the animals and nature, we are starting to realize it.
You see, when you stare into the darkness long enough, your eyes adapt to it and you begin to see.
First, just the shadows then shapes but later what is really there.
This is where we are at now.
We are seeing what was hiding and we are bringing it into light by bringing our own darkness out of the hiding. We purify, we purge and we hold each other accountable.
But mostly we are collectively starting to take responsibility and we are leaving the programming of victimhood.
🌸 This world is a paradise filled with abundance. But there is a layer of poverty and terror projected over it. Behind the veil, the light shines brightly.
Here it seems as if we live in hell.
When you divide us far enough that we can't connect but close enough for interaction and add a lot of drama, you create enough power to feed what's eating our Lifeforce. When we are under stress our cells emit light. This light is seen in another realm by those who move through that space. They are attracted to it, they see us as their Source and will do everything to feed on us.
If we come closer, if we connect in divine unity, in Love for God, we emit strong light filled with electric charge, and we connect to the Source. We experience Nirvana and this state makes us super strong, it is where the metaphorical expression "love can move the mountains" comes from.
The pure love for ourselves is what gives us tools to overwin every obstacle on our path, as long as we don't fall for the distractions and focus on what it is that we came to do.

🌸 So my beloved brothers and sisters, what is your Soul's purpose for living here and now?
Trust and go for it fiercely, with compassion for those who don't know yet. Let's show some mercy to the brothers and sisters still living in the darkness, let's show them where the light comes from so that they too can choose to follow it. You can contain light only if you release your darkness.
Bless you.

~Nika 🌸

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