The night before my Bufo medicine ceremony I couldn't sleep. I felt kind of anxious about receiving this medicine and yet I was excited. I knew this was the right time for me to take this next step. Everything I’ve been doing for years was a preparation for this moment.
💫 The healing journey I decided to make many years ago was a hard one but the universe always delivered all the tools to me.
I was blessed by working with some incredible teachers and a few truly beautiful Shamans in Hawaii. When I was ready, the plant medicine found me and guided me further.
Then Mexico called me and with deep gratitude, I answered this call and left everything but my cats behind.
Shortly after my arrival, I discovered the toad medicine Bufo Alvarius. This medicine is also called the God molecule and people describe having extraordinary nirvana-like experiences. I knew I had to take this medicine and was planning for it for a while, but the call never really came.
Until now. It was when I found this beautiful retreat place in the jungle and discovered they offer all kinds of ceremonies, I knew I found the right place with the right people.
For me, and it should be for everyone, the energies are very important. Years ago I’ve had a bit unpleasant experience with the Ahyuhuasca ceremony in Amsterdam. Back then I didn’t even know what I was getting myself into. We went there because someone advised us to go with my ex-partner for his Parkinson’s disease. And it did help him, but I was a bit traumatized by not being well taken care of by the team. So I never wanted to do that again and it was a great lesson for me about how seriously these medicines must be taken and how important the place, the setup, and the guidance are.
💫 Here I am, surrounded by wonderful nature and pure people, who only want to see the world healed and full of joy.
This is my kind of people. Pure, open to the Divine guidance, serving the purpose.
Here I feel safe.
I felt that I wanted to cleanse my body before, so on the first day, I did a Temazcal ceremony.
You can read about that in my post ~Temazcal ceremony~
The next morning the medicine Kambo came to me, so I was able to cleanse my liver and let go of some things. You can read about it my post ~Taking down the ugly~
After this, I was ready to receive Bufo.
💫In the morning I first meditated on the roof, surrounded by treetops and colorful birds, singing their mating songs and calling for each other. This morning there were more birds than the other days. I took some fruits and went to the cenote to wash my body and ask Mother Earth for support. While I was entering the cave, I realized that it was like going into the womb of Mother Earth.
I asked her permission to enter and walked to the spot where I decided to take all my clothes off.
As I was approaching I saw five beautifully colored birds sitting on the stones in the cave. For the first time I got to see them clearly. Their feathers are turquoise blue and their tail is in such a shape that it resembles the pendulum of a clock. Therefore in Mayan culture, this bird is connected to the time. Because it lives in the cenotes where it lays its eggs in the rocks, it is also a symbol of an outcast. I felt very lucky to be able to observe them for a while before they flew away.
Slowly I entered the cool crystal clear waters and a voice in my head told me: “I’ve created these waters for you to enjoy the liquified light. To experience the purity and to heal.” This blue water in cenotes really has healing powers for our body and mind.
I swam through the cave while asking Earth to hold me during my Bufo ceremony and to keep me safe. One of the beautiful birds came back and sat on the brench close to me. I connected to it the way I learned years ago from a Hawaiian shaman and asked if there is a message for me. To be honest, I was quite nervous about my upcoming journey with Bufo and was in a need of some kind of reassurance. The voice in my head told me: “Just relax and fly, fly high. It is so beautiful to see nature and the ocean, don't worry, be free.“
When I was returning to the point where I entered the cave seven of these amazing birds were sitting inside the cave. I swam quietly and was able to observe them for a long time before they flew out. What an experience. My heart was singing and as I was, naked, I stood in the water and my voice came out in a beautiful melody. For minutes I was singing the wordless song and felt deep gratitude for the gift I’ve received from mother nature. I asked the Earth to hold my body gently during my journey with Bufo. I felt I was ready.
In my room, I anointed my body with fragrant oil and gold shimmer, put on my most beautiful dress, and larimar on my neck to keep the connection to the Earth. I was ready to meet with God.
💫 I entered the Temple where the shaman was waiting for me. He explained calmly how the medicine works, what can be expected and how it will be taken in. He cleansed me with sacred tobacco and then the process started.
Bufo is a medicine from a toad Bufo Alvarius. It contains 5-MeO-DMT and is also called God molecule for its ability to open you to the bliss of connection with the divinity. It is dried and the smoke is inhaled in two steps. The shaman burns it in a glass bottle and prays for healing and protection. When he was giving me the first dose he was telling me: “Let’s go, Ok, let’s cross.”
His voice sounded in a distance and immediately after my second deep inhalation I closed my eyes and let myself slowly fall back. My body was fully relaxed and I got visions of colorful fractals. Then the shaman started to play beautiful music that carried me higher. All fear, all resentment dissolved. In my mind I heard: ”Surrender. Let go of all concepts. Nothing matters, everything is one.”
I saw the bricks in the dome ceiling of the temple flowing over into each other, into the wood supporting it. I felt nirvana. I totally surrendered to this experience and felt the deepest gratitude for my decision and courage to experience this medicine. My body was experiencing intensive orgasms and moved while releasing ages of programmings, guilt, and shame.
Finally, the feeling of love for myself, for my body fully overwhelmed me and I held my body with so much love I’d never experienced.
Slowly I was getting into a calmer state while still floating in the bliss. I knew God came to me and made me see myself with his eyes. It was exactly what I was looking for and why I was going to this retreat. To finally feel love for me, for my body. To see me the same way the divine looks at me. To release everything that holds me back to live my life surrendered to the purpose. It was so beautiful
I cried. I knew what grace truly means.
I looked at the shaman and saw his face flowing as the music was gently changing into another, slow and loving song. It was a prayer to the Gods and I started to feel deep pain for the Earth.
For what we are doing to this paradise because of our ignorance, our egos, our consumerism, and greed. I started to cry and turned on my belly to feel the wood under me, to connect with the Earth, to hold her and beg her for forgiveness. I begged her and God to guide me to a life without pollution, without the use of plastic. I cried deeply, the music was like from heaven. I totally surrendered to this pain to release it. The song ended, and I left out one last loud groan. And then it was done. I opened my eyes, wishing for this state to stay a little bit longer with me.
💫 The love and gratitude I felt are indescribable. I stayed laying and relaxing for about twenty minutes more, listening to the heavenly sounds of hang-drum, reconnecting to my body and surroundings. The shaman came to me and asked how I felt about my experience. I could only say that it was great. He smiled and said: ”Amazing healing.” Yes. It was the most amazing healing I’ve ever had. I knew it changed me and my life forever.
When I was thanking the shaman for his wonderful guidance he smiled again and asked if I come to the Ahyuhuasca ceremony on Saturday. I said no and he asked why not. I explained to him that some years ago I had a quite bad experience in Amsterdam. He smiled and comforted me: “Don’t worry. We take it step by step, I have an amazing team. You need to finish the work, sister.” As I was looking into his eyes and all I saw was love I felt the fear flow off me and I agreed to come. At that moment I knew it was the right moment and I needed to finish the work indeed.
So please, if you are interested, come back and read about my wonderful journey and deep healing with Ahyuhuasca in my next post.
~Nika 💫

Fascinating. Does the Bufo Alvarius contain DMT?
It contains 5MeO-DMT. It is much stronger. But needs to be done properly, sometimes people are too afraid to let go and get stuck in the middle and miss out on the full experience. For that it is important to do it with right people who are very experienced. Having music to guide you is also very nice element.
What an experience. You also found what looks like an incredible place for the ceremony. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, this place is out of the world. Maybe once you can join us here. 😉