Hi Zac. Thanks for your message. I actually went to a technical school so I could become an aircraft fitter but when the SA arms deal happened I realized I would not be able to ethically or morally work in the air force with that level of corruption.
I suppose there's still time to learn how to ride a tank, you never know right? 😁 In the meantime I'll just appreciate TankGirl for her skills.
My dream when I was called up to the army, was to become a pilot. Best chance that I ever had.
I was young and super fit and I passed all of the fitness tests bar one. The most important one.
I was failed for colour blindness.
So, I ended up in the infantry school.
We all wanted to be something else at some time methinks.
Yes, I am sure that you still have some time to learn how to drive a tank, but it will have to be a private organisation, as the army will not have a place for you.
Yup I agree with you. The universe throws spanners in the works for valid reasons I believe.
Colour blindness is a difficult one. I'm sorry.
Sometimes those that have a specific type of colourblindness are picked up by the military for particular missions though...I have a distant family member that can see camo as it shows up differently because of his colour blindness.
Gosh by now? I would be very surprised if the SA Army could
Do you honestly believe that with the state of our defense forces that I would trust any of them to teach me how to drive a tank? Hmmm I doubt it. I'm cynical based on their track record over the last decade 🤣
Oh yeah, who knows I might have been dead a long time ago.
The test had a book and every page was filled with coloured little rings that looked like Smarties.
A different number was concealed by the smarties on each page and I was asked to tell them what the number was.
All that I saw were smarties hahaha.
Luckily I am not totally color blind, as I only get confused by the different shades of each color. I can see only primary colors, so it's really not a big issue.
Everything seems to be in tatters nowadays my friend and only political spin keeps the country barely floating on the flood waters. Sooner or later the plug will be pulled and then we will all be in deep waters. In my mind, the best that we can do is to prepare for the inevitable crunch.
This would drive me mad! I can only imagine your frustration and annoyance.
Well my TankGirl post with it's apocalyptic theme is in perfect timing then isn't it. South Africa needs to wipe the political slate clean and start all over again in my opinion but those in power have waaaayyyyy too much to lose now.
Hahaha, mad is a soft word about how I felt, epecially after all of the fitness training that I did from 4am in the mornings.
If it's all going to be just political spin again, then we will be in real trouble, as I don't know if you have seen how many municipalities are now dysfunctional. Sooner or later the looting in KZN will look like a picnic compared to what lies in smouldering wait.
As a firefighter you know what happens when an abundance of oxygen reaches smouldering embers.
Do you know that when that happened in KZN that the small malicia (incorrect spelling on purpose) groups that went out there to defend the supermarkets ended up supplying the SAPS and Army with ammunition because they ran out? Yes, I am well aware of what will happen, probably more aware than most and it's not pretty.
Yes and can you believe that they have private security guards protecting the police stations?
What a turnup for the books, as I think that it is the duty of the cops to protect all of us. Instead, the cops need protection. Law and order needs to become a top priority, but instead divisions are ruining the soup. Not a very rosy future that we face.