Since the move I’ve tried really hard not to stop by any thrift shops. My true nature isn’t minimalism, it tends to be a bit on the “collector” side of things (to say it nicely). I get a thrill out of the hunt at some of my favorite thrift stores.
But that move really helped me purge all the trinkets I’d collected, especially from the giant walk in closet I’d grown used to having. I probably got rid of half or more of my wardrobe at some local thrift stores during that move. I like variety. But to go from a giant walk-in closet to these 2 stand alone wardrobes was a big step for me.

Since diving into the online world again, I started following “Lynzyandco.” Some because I like her style, some because her blog is quite successful and some because she’s a total goofball. I mean who goes to stores, tries on clothes in dressing rooms and then shares dressing room pictures with the world? Ha! She does! There’s something hysterical to me about that but also something that stuck in the back of my mind, an “I could do that.”
So when I got the spare “me” time to stop by my favorite thrift store, a Salvation Army in Boulder, it crossed my mind.

I was in search of a couple new sweaters, a tweed blazer, and black jeans. Those items had also been stored in the back of my mind, probably from some of these Pinterest images:

I went a little wild. My cart was heaping. Of course I also did my scan of the bric-a-brac section. I always have a few items I keep an eye out for. This time I found a great toy basket for Arya’s room:

And this handmade mug:

I’m always in search of handmade pottery. These are a few from my collection.

When i finally got to the dressing room I was too embarrassed to take pictures of myself trying on the clothes, more props to Lynzy. I did my selecting and got out of there. But now that I’m home I figure what the hell, let’s play fashion show.
And while I don’t intend for this to become a fashion blog, I can’t help to promote thrift shopping over new clothing shopping. It’s just my thing.
Doing this little photo shoot was actually pretty educational. I’m really trying to get better at taking photos and getting them more seamlessly to my iPad. We literally just got a tripod yesterday and i got to try it out as well as the iPhone app to both control and instantly download images from our Sony Handycam.

Admittedly it doesn’t take the most crisp pictures and I need help in the lighting department but my brother is sending me his “better Nikon SLR” soon since he upgraded and you’re only as good as your equipment right? If I get a flash maybe I’ll get some better quality photos… Always learning and improving right?
Alright, can you tell I’m stalling? To the clothes…

First up, my new red Levi jeans with a cute plaid and a yellow knit tank, all 3 from my haul! I couldn’t even believe I found the Levi’s, I’d never have bought red pants new but I love them for under $10! I’m always wearing plaids, kind of a staple you could say and cropped tanks are my thing in the summer.

Now it’s very obvious that my handycam photos are not quality. My iPhone does a pretty good job though. After seeing this I can’t wait for that Nikon camera to show up and to get a flash… how classy!
Next pic:

Black jeans and a cool drapey sweater, but no pockets?! What is this? A center for ants?! But still they fit good and I like them.

Alright I said I was looking for a tweed blazer like the girl on the bike from Pinterest was wearing and you never know what you’re gonna get. I had really hoped for brown (one of my favorite colors) but when you find a Free People jacket in your size for $6.99… well I couldn’t resist!

Alright what else did I get?

Ok I went a little overboard on sweaters. I love sweaters. That white one is soft as hell and the brown one has those little leather elbow guards, it’ll make a great work sweater. These days I’m either at home writing comfy at my desk with a cup of tea, playing in the yard or park with Arya, or working in the workshop and the Resource Yard so my outfits usually need to fit into one of those categories and these sweaters all do. But this outfit… it doesn’t.

Gah! Embarrassing to say the least but I wanted a jean overall dress to go over sweaters and found this one. I’ll probably always wear it with leggings but for some reason decided to show off my “winter” legs! Ah!

Finally there were these two gems that I also couldn’t resist for their colors and patterns. The one has pockets and they’re both so warm and cuddly.
And finally out of the corner of my eye I spotted these:

Warm fingerless mittens! I had to throw them in since my last pair disappeared.
When I got up to the checkout I found out that it was 50% off clothes that day so I majorly scored with all of these! Do you ever go on thrift store sprees like me? Tell me I’m not alone in finding seriously amazing deals on super cute clothes and nic-nacs too. Any favorites from your recent visits?
To hear the recorded version of this visit my blog at TangibleDuality.com (I usually post on Steemit a day before I post to my blog because you guys rock and I figure should get first dibs)
And to shill myself some more,
Please follow me on:
Twitter @TangibleD (I only have 2 followers!)
Instagram @Tangible_Duality (only 14 followers!)
And Pinterest @jayboulder or @TangibleDuality
Thanks! Love you guys!