she is multi talented after being a would be doctor!!

in #talented7 years ago


"Red carpet,camera, flash these were in my every dreams since childhood.

I wanted to be a part of showbizz life. Everyone in my family practices music, not professionally, but for their passion. I also had that in me. I don’t even remember when I first started practising music and dance -probably it's encrypted in every single cell. From the age of awareness, there's no single day in my life that has been spent without these two things- Hridita is basically incomplete without them.

I've found love for an another very special thing in my life and I thank my Almighty for giving me an opportunity to explore it- doubtlessly it is "SURGERY".

It was 2012, intermediate 2nd year, when I started watching the TV serial ‘Grey's Anatomy’. I didn't have the plan to be a doctor but this show totally changed my plan and I convinced myself towards this path to be a surgeon.Though I tried hard, I couldn’t find my way to Dhaka Medical College.

First two years of my medical life added more disappointment.Then third year came and ward classes started. I started to realize how lucky I am to lead such a life whereas these sick people suffer so much.Even talking with a patient can make you feel so good because your spending time with them gives an assurance of getting cured to the patients , to their attendants.You are a real life star for them. I was eagerly waiting for surgery ward and luckily it started on my very own birthday.

My first day in OT was some days later,on 16 November. I didn't look backward from then, that place became addictive. Operation Theatres were my utopia.

Whenever I enter the corridor, I feel like walking on the red carpet, eyes of the patients being the flashlights, I feel myself being an actress of "Grey's Anatomy’ in every single tasks; wearing gowns, masks, washing hands, holding the knife, managing vigorous bleeding etc.

Major portion of my time was spent in OT. Some of our respected teachers, senior brothers and sisters taught me different surgical techinques. I feel too blessed having them & they gave me so many memories that I'm not able to give anything in return. OT is a sacred place for me; I can feel my Almighty there.

All these were possible because I don’t believe in ‘start from tomorrow’ things. I want to learn as many things as possible, enjoy life to fullest, "TODAY". Who knows, I may not survive tomorrow.

Frankly speaking, we don’t have this practice of learning Surgery practically from 3rd year in our college. People used to make fun of my extra interest in going to OT. I encourage my juniors because I dream of world class Surgeons from ShSMC. Everybody needs to be bold with his/her dreams and no one should should walk backward just to avoid others' criticism.

Right now I'm just a mediocre 4th year student. I don't even know what is written in the future and whether I can even become a surgeon or not. Even if I need to amputate my fingers or hands tomorrow or tomorrow be the last day, I'll not regret because at least for some days there were patients lying in beds with problems and I was standing wearing gloves and there was nothing in between.


Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

- Mahatma Gandhi

true word

We should follow our heart. What we love most, you should concentrate on them.