We are not helpless, we are all powerful

in #takeaction6 years ago (edited)


There is a challenge that we as the citizens of earth are facing, especially in this region on earth called India. Yes it is probably true that the politicians can do quite a bit to better the quality of our lives. But at the same time, we can ensure this and much more by taking control of our lives. The challenge that i mentioned is the sense of helplessness that a lot of people carry with themselves as a baggage or probably just so that they do not have to actually to something to enhance their lives. They rant, rave and complain so that they can evade the fact they are also responsible on some level for the atrocities happening in the world.


Sexual Crimes against women and children are a big one. People change their profile pictures on whatsapp and perhaps even share posts on social media to raise their voices. Yes this does indeed start a conversation and build awareness on many levels. But what after that? Instead of just uploading a 'feeling angry' status and adding a few teary eyed emoticons to supplement that, what have we actually done about it? It begins to make me wonder if we actually care about it. We would bother only if it happens to our own family or friends?

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Do we talk about Asifa even now? Forgetfulness is yet another problem that we have as human beings. I am not talking about the kind that you leave your phone or wallet at home. Do we remember what is truly necessary? The anger fades. Our anger does not matter if we do not convert that into aggression and fuel the engine of action with that. So what am I suggesting? Yes we can hold large billboards and have a protest. The politicians should be able to hear us right? Let us take it one step further. How many of us have bothered to send our loved ones to self defense classes? Some smart ass Keyboard warrior will now comment saying that Asifa was just a child and even martial arts skills could not have saved her. But what about the ones we can save? As in, What about the women you care about who can take action by enrolling themselves in a martial arts class to learn to defend themselves? By the way, self defense classes would definitely increase the chances of survival, even if it is a child. There is a lot of technique involved.


Women, You fight for you rights to do what men do, smoke cigarettes and so on. Any sensible person will know that men and women are equal and that no one has the rights to get into our personal lives as long as we are not doing anything unlawful. But women, How about taking some responsibility for your own safety and security?

No we are not helpless. We as human beings can do a lot more than we think we can. Let us look at a few more areas where we can actually take responsibility and that tendency would carryover into the first topic of discussion here.

We complain about the food we eat, about the country we live in, about the heat, the education system. If we know that the food that we eat isn't organic, then how about learning how to wash the chemicals away as much as possible? Taking it one step further, how about we learn how to farm some of our food in our own backyards and terraces? It is very possible because there are a lot of fine examples in our society. Movies are being made with the very same content.

About heat and global warming, can we touch our hearts and tell ourselves that we never litter on the roads. Grown up, so called educated people are seen throwing plastic bottles on the roads. Do we not still use plastic covers? Do we use water efficiently? Do we walk or use a cycle if its a short distance that we are travelling? Should we say that Laziness is yet another major challenge that we face. Perhaps that is the reason why sloth is included among one of the seven deadly sins, not because the devil will punish, it is because we will punish ourselves. Yes, in this fast paced lifestyle we probably wish to save time every chance we get. But do we take the necessary steps to restore the balance?

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People complain about the education system. Don't we think that one of the major reasons why we send our kids to conventional schools is only because of the fear of being judged. That is a shit reason to waste 12 years of their lives in a place where they will probably end up learning a lot of things that are unnecessary for their lives. No I am not saying this about every other school. I have to admit that there are good ones. We just have to lookout for those ones where the teachers know what they are doing and are not just there because they didn't land any other job.

Do we take responsibility for what we put into our bodies? Who do we have to blame if we feel like crap and have a few tires around our stomach? Do we make smarter decisions with regard to the food we eat and the products we buy? The better we feel, the more energy we have. And Ultimately, these instruments that are gifted with, the physical body and the mind start working much more efficiently. When we feel this way, we would want to get out there and do something with our lives. We would take more responsibility because that becomes a part of our nature. It is something that lies within and we just have to awaken that side of ours, kindle those instincts.


Lets take the way we respond to life,into out hands.