in #take5 years ago

READ: Mark 8:34-9:1
Key Scripture: Whoever wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Mark 8:34).

In every adventure, there are terms and conditions. These conditions were already made clear to all Christians by Jesus Christ when he said, "he who desires to follow me should take up his cross and follow me." By cross we mean the trials, tribulations, pains and reproach of this world. What is very funny about some Christians today is that they believe that once they are born again, they won't encounter problems again. The truth is, the moment you chose to follow Jesus that is the moment problems start. Job followed God yet, God allowed misfortune to befall him. Again, starting the journey is not what matters, ending the journey well matters more. Some people begin the journey and somewhere along the lane, fall off. Judas started but fell. It is neither the starting nor the falling that is more significant, it is the getting up! The road is always rough, but all we should sing is: "Give me the grace to follow; abundant grace to follow."


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