Who'd a thunk it!

in #take6 years ago

This thing called the "Deep State" isn't, as we have been told, merely a conspiracy theory. If some remain that still think it is, this pic's for you.


From late 2008 until the beginning of 2011 this was used as a pictoral answer to the question of how B. Hussein Obama was and continued to be un-vetted and un-challenged concerning his eligibility to be POTUS. I was one of the people, and there were quite a few others doing the early research. Most of these early generation researchers I could vouch for, meaning nothing we discussed led me to think they had any ulterior motives. Indeed, there was a comfortable air of professionalism on display. Emotional reactions to the never ending stream of revelations wound up being few and far between and I know I can speak for those of collaborating in research when saying we had an ever present watch going for those we expected would use the old race card. To a man, every researcher I knew kept a keen eye out for individuals that could come in under the guise of wanting to help but having and agenda designed too appeal to the baser instincts of your typical illiterate Red Neck, if there even are that kind of people still around. Did they try? Why of course they did but all such efforts failed. That didn't stop these groups from using the standard Alinski MO of degrading, belittling, verbally assaulting, outright threatening, name calling... you get the picture. We created web sites and blogs where people could keep up with our ongoing efforts and we began calling our document filings petitions for redress. We did the did the due diligence both parties and the Swamp refused to even consider doing. Most of what was uncovered by these early researchers, was shocking to us, and also to the growing number of Americans who found our work being posted all over the Internet. We were meticulous about including evidence and supporting links. That still didn't stop the trolls but after about 10 months of them hammering us they began steadily drawing down.

We proceeded with the ever changing approaches thinking they had given up trying to influence us. That thought wound up hurting us more than all the troll efforts up to that point. Those trolls were organized and initially based out of various Colleges and snowflake Coffee shops across the country. However, by using available software tools we made tracking them to their point of origin easy and sometimes the tracking included some who were being traced to overseas operations. Any one or more of the usual foreign suspects would likely be a correct guess since that group would typically use IP bouncing encryption or a form of VPN that had specific signatures or tell tale indicators. None of us were specialist in that field but all had above average computer skills which, when working together, made short work of those tracking tasks.
In order to convey the important events in my timeline I'll have to make this Part 1 of the story that needs to be told and if the timing works out it will make understanding what appears to be unfolding easier to digest.

Then came the inauguration where the world watched John Roberts and Obama team up to (IMHO) purposefully mess up the Oath of Office which was later done in a private setting allegedly substituting the Christian Bible with the Quran. That day BHO issued his first EO in which he sealed every document relating to his history. They remain sealed to this day. Believing the EO applied only to government documents like Passports, Birth Certificate and Social Security documents, to name a few, our focus shifted to his grade school records, his college applications and transcripts which were outside the reach of his EO. Colleges he attended like Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School safeguarded his info then and still do to this day. In retrospect it was the aiding and abetting done by these Colleges that really kicked off the movement that the msm would label "Birthers". Anything was fair game in the never ending quest to discredit our growing ranks and those efforts were mostly successful in limiting our growth. But while they marshaled their forces, investigating continued unabated. What they couldn't prevent us from finding were his undeniable links to both the CIA and his Communist mentors. Somewhat less clear were his ties to Islam. The fact that he attended, as a young boy, school in Indonesia that taught Muslims is to this day denied by emphasizing his attendance at the Jeremiah Wright (supposedly) Christian church now famous for his G_ _ damn America sermons. His trips abroad to Muslim nations like Pakistan came up but with Passport records now sealed there was no way validate those claims.

Not knowing how many in government were involved with what was now being determined to be the biggest coverup in American History, the still growing "Birther" movement began spreading out across the land to find anyone in Congress or the DOJ or even local officials that would help initiate a legitimate investigation to either conclusively prove or disprove the still growing list of allegations against BHO. Instead of sharing our concerns, every member of the House and senate began echoing the same talking point response... "it's too late now, attempts to remove the first Black President would cause a violent response from his Black and/or Democrat supporters. We'll just have to wait and remove him with our vote".

Whoever said DC couldn't build a wall was not paying attention to these unfolding events because in this case they built a still impenetrable wall of disinformation, distractions and a steady stream of dead end leads. These tactics deserve dedicated research and may warrant inclusion in future Border protection plans. The Birther movement was by then firmly rooted in the America's Psyche with the lines of division between proponents and disbelievers firmly established.

And so it was, the movement we finally named the "Truthers" was born. We then formed into various groups of think tanks and began the search for a plan designed to bring to a larger audience our evidence and conclusions and those groups in turn became became the target of organized trolls who, it's worth mentioning, also were life's losers and open communists. Personally I'd like how many of those trolls would later fill the ranks of what we now call ANTIFA. God knows they share very common traits like anonymity and the Zombie like ability to avoid any dialogue besides a few sophomoric bumper sticker styled chants.

Then you can add the combined effort by the SPLC and FBLie who were steadily creating labels for Truthers like Sovereign Citizens followed by staged events designed to prove these mythical creations had a violent side which deserved their being incarcerated, safely separated from society. It was these newly penned labels the DOJ would use as justification to bring out old laws that they crafted into charges that we now know were to be used as a reason for Gun confiscations. Through its network of District Attorneys, who dutifully complied to each new DOJ request, novel and entirely unconstitutional laws appearing as if out of nowhere to prevent many of our petitions for redress of ever reaching their intended destination. The Innocent victim count was growing and each successful prosecution was then used as precedence for whatever end they were trying to achieve, be it Gun control focused or Patriot action ending incarcerations. The courts, along with the rollout of obscure laws were being weaponized for all to see. It was a tug of war where reason, logic, established law and common sense suffered mighty defeats and the sense of Tyrannical overreach on the part of the DOJ was being seen as the official end of the American experiment. These were dark days my friends.

What was then becoming frighteningly clear was that we did indeed have a usurper in the Oval Office being protected by various alphabet agencies, Academia, both parties, the media, Deep State and officials at all levels of State government. We would later discover the names of many involved in this incredible fraud on America and it should come as no surprise that the long list of his enablers are the same ones being exposed today for the treachery and sedition, for the flat out treason (The Brennan projection) in what can only now be described as an attempted Coup. Unfortunately for the leaders of this failed attempted to overthrow our government, they became lax and overconfident that their chosen replacement for BHO, HRC, would waltz into the Presidency and prevent any and all investigations into their comrades roles in all of this. What they are now attempting to accomplish with their projected "Blue wave". I find that almost laughable. Almost because as insanely left of Marx they appear to now be, their base mostly remains captive and obedient in their inner city Plantations.

Call it whatever you wish but I'm completely convinced that the stunning defeat of HRC by President Trump was divinely inspired. That event will go down in history as THE seminal event responsible for our return to the Rule of Law and the Constitutional Republic we almost let slip away.

By now you are beginning to see and give names to the growing list of Villains and accomplices, but of all those being revealed I'd like to direct your attention, for a few moments, to one John Brennan. Forget for a moment that he, HRC and the vast network of their mostly local enablers were and are Puppets on the strings of control by a Globalist community comprised in large part by the International and/or Central Bankers. The current crop is very similar in makeup to the "Creature of Jekyll Island" group that gathered in secret to craft the newest abomination... the 16th Amendment and at the same time lay the foundation for the monopoly on the news markets that are only now seeing that foundation crumble. But I digress... getting back to John Brennan, he was selected by BHO specifically because of their shared ideologies in Islam and Communism. So far, no one has been able to convince me that Islam is a religion. Until that happens it will remain a political system in my mind. As for the Communist influence I will go further into that in future writings but the thing about that is the way it has been allowed to incrementally and fundamentally alter our societal precepts. The rest of that cabal, starting with the Clintons, appears more interested in the money, power and status they'd achieve once the coup was complete.
As most are now aware, the allegations that have been leveled against President Trump are much more than just "Fake News", they are real time manifestations of the crimes committed by participants in this Coup made crystal clear by their employing those desperate tactics recognized as psychological projection. One would think that these panicking criminal co-conspirators would get tired of telling the world all the crimes they've committed but alas, they can't help themselves. The latest revelation to come out of these projections should make all of the Truthers and Birthers sit up and take notice. Validation for their years of hard work and determination is now at hand. It came in the form of media fake news dumps the past couple of days where the now completely unhinged criminals are floating the idea of having the Trump Presidency annulled. Although the term could never be applied to Trump's Presidency it definitely applies to the former POTUS. Between the two only Trump enjoys unquestioned legitimacy.
I had to get this written and posted now so those Patriots who have gone though the living hell of being brave enough to expose the usurper in his beginning can begin rest more comfortably knowing that the Justice avoided is now close to being served. Karma time has arrived, delivered by of all people, the panicking media enablers.There's no reason or time to gloat or say I told you so because current events don't represent an end of anything more than a failed coup attempt. An honest reflection of the events we've been living through must teach us the lessons we failed to learn from the founders.
There are many to consider but let me share with you the ones I personally ignored and now own. Being involved in the political process tops the list. I did not feel the need to do this for the better part of my life thinking plenty of people had that under control. WRONG. That was nothing more than a selfishly conceived cop out. The next of my regrets has to do with ignoring the need to include my faith in the mix. This ingredient must be part our dialogue if taking back America is in fact our common dream and it starts at home with our interactions between loved ones and friends alike. It was just so easy to avoid any possible situations that might make someone else uncomfortable. Because we were so careful to avoid having someone feel uncomfortable we now see the consequence playing out across America as we watch historical statues and sites being torn down and erased from our collective historical memory. Add to this mix the fact that we've been programmed from the beginning to accept the false premise that the moral teachings we got from our Church had no place in this thing called government and that too spilled over into our interpersonal relationships. The point to all this was meant to bring people together but like all ill conceived ideas the result has been the opposite.
My mother, God rest her soul, made certain I heard and understood two valuable life lessons central to a rewarding life. The first one was frequently repeated. So much so that it became hard to receive in my teen years and it was... "Son, you must learn to be patient". With much reminding I now understand what that meant. The second was easier to absorb but a lot more difficult to practice... "Son, everyone you meet in life has some important message to convey and it will be up to you to figure out what that is". These two lessons put into practice have enriched my life beyond any ability to explain.
So, the journey continues, learning never stops and the biggest change I've noticed along the way are the faces of those now traveling with me and the depth of the friendships we've now forged.
I hope to continue writing and adding texture to my story with only one true purpose intended. That contained herein might be that message you were meant hear.
God bless all of you and please, God bless America.





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