There are many many deferent kind of markets at Taipei Main Station Area, and many hostels and hotels as well,
Today I want to take you on virtual shopping in under ground metro mall. LET'S GO!!!
Who is missin?
Here we go! Gamers Heaven!
Artists from Japan and Taiwan performing in underground mall.
Playfull youth of Taiwan.
Tea store!
Chinese acupancture store.
Thank you for watching, let me know on what topic about Taiwan you will be most interested , ill do my best to share with you!
Have a great day!
very cool place ! 👌
it looks like a very bustling shopping area and thriving business. 💲 💰
those masks of Trump and Kim are funny. 😂
however it looks like Xi Jinping is missing somehow? 😜
it's been so long since I've visited Tapei, I really miss it. thanks for sharing all these photos which provide a chance to get an idea how it looks like now.
It is packed with people on weekends.
No doubt the two are biggest gammers of the world, i am suprised you didnt guess the third