Democrats are TERRIFIED of tucker carlson because he exposes their corruption

in #t3 years ago (edited)


Using absurd claims that Tucker Carlson is a racist, white supremacist, bigot, etc., etc., etc., the Left has furiously attempted to have his prime-time Fox News show taken off the air. The opening segment of the September 17 edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight is a perfect example of why the left is TERRIFIED of him.

Citing a breaking report by a local TV station, Carlson revealed that, acting in concert with other high level members of his administration, Nashville’s Democrat mayor intentionally withheld from the public encouraging Covid-19 data that showed an unexpectedly low infection rate at the city’s bars and restaurants. By concealing that information, Mayor John Cooper was able to justify keeping Nashville’s restaurant industry under a virtual lockdown, thus suppressing the city’s economic recovery until after the election. Please watch Tucker’s explosive report, and consider sharing it with your friends. (See Below)

This isn't the first time Tucker Carlson has exposed Democrat corruption.

And it's because of these instances that Democrats are terrified of him. They fear him because they are threatened by him.. People like Tucker Carlson are not willing to lie for the Democrat Party the way propaganda outlets like CNN or the New York Times might be willing to.. Tucker Carlson holds truth to power and doesn't pull his punches..

Democrats fear this. Democrats require a steady stream of disinformation and propaganda order to win elections

Which is why people like Tucker Carlson are so enraging to them.. And it's not just Tucker Carlson. Any free press outlet in the world that speaks negatively about Democrats becomes a subject of their.. From Ben Shapiro's the daily wire to the award winning New York Post. The federalist. The Washington examiner. Newsmax. The Washington Free beacon. One America news American thinker the Federalist Canada free press zero hedge and thousands of others just like them... Democrats fear and hate any free press outlets that hold them accountable.. And they seek to shut them down... Is it any wonder whether it's only somewhere around 5:00 news outlets in the world that the Democrats actually tell you to trust? And it just so happens that every one of those news outlets was found to collude with the Democrat Party and lie for them according to wikileaks leaked emails from Hillary Clinton. Independent fact checkers find that those outlets are very unreliable. From the Washington Post to the New York Times to Joe Biden's favorite outlet CNN...

Democrats have about five outlets that will run cover for them and they viciously attack anybody else that tries to hold them accountable.. took her Carlson is just one of those examples

It's not so much that they hate Tucker Carlson because he lies. They hate Carlson because he tells the truth