Funny how MSM in certain countries do sound like alternative media. Or would we rather believe "trust me, I have sources" MSM agencies like CNN, NYT, Reuters and AFP? If you even need an example of the modus operandi: anyone who we don't like is insane and needs to be a) imprisoned b) impeached c) assassinated ... maybe ;) d) demonized definitely!
When you're the MSM and can afford multi million dollar anchors and prime time slots, fact checking is apparently not the most important. And why let a minor retraction stop you?
Some really creepy man (famous fascist) once said that its easier to tell a big lie than a small one. In the case of our beloved MSM, seems like it's easier to tell many lies rather than one lie. While at it, why not lie all the way?
On to Syria It does make a lot more sense that the MSM is again peddling the agenda of its pals (defence, oil, finance-new Syrian central bank?). Much more so than Assad having gone stark raving mad and deciding to bring down a hail of of Raytheon supplied tomahawks, Boeing JDAMs and terrific goodies on Syria by using chemical weapons. But from the MSM perspective, when there are so many positive externalities to war, who needs any good reason to start one? You can even find some Sarin immune jolly colored helmet people to join in with their bare hands! Clearly, the LACK OF PROOF isn't going to be any form of obstacle to us deploying our jolly troops and arming our friendly locals. After all, not like former friends like the Turks would mind and start a mini-war in the region.
All these festivities do bring to mind the observations of old about the dangers of empire. How about Jefferson's reminder about dangers of Banks and Standing Armies. How lucky we are that we have both in the S&P!