Crossing the Finish-line for the Syrian Authority May have to Be Redefined

in #syria6 years ago

The occupiers are calling the shots. First they waved away any possible attack on Idlib (correct me if I'm wrong) - here, it should be noted that Turkey played its cards well as an obstructionist at the Iran/Russia/Turkey meeting voicing and (winning) its opposition to an attack based on false humanitarian concerns, and bogus refugee concern (driving terrorists out of Idlib would have solved any refugee crisis).

What we have now is a military quagmire - I'm reluctant to use the word stalemate - where the wills have been tested. Russia seems to have caved to the the threats levied in a imaginary chemical attack; Iran is caught between a rock and a hard place; and Turkey continues to be the Trojan Horse of the West even as there has been deflections (sanctions, Gulen, Kurds, etc.).

As I've said it before 'starting and retreating' does not work all the time on the battlefield, especially when you already know the games of the enemy.

Second, the asymmetric warfare is yielding results for the U.S. - sanctioning and propaganda, and weak vassal nations, mainly - as they've moved around a sovereign land (Syria) without a concern, even when asked to leave a trillion times.

So, as it stands now: Turkey will be permanent occupiers; the US/Israel will get their pipeline, and occupy at-will; the land will be partitioned; Israel will be given the Golan Heights (by the US?); and the the political resolution will not only be a sham, but it will be a long and arduous process. The spoils will be plentiful.

The goal is for Syria to become a colony of the the West; their resources and land stolen; and (drum roll please) the overthrow of Assad. The only possible salvation is (enhanced) intervention by Russia (China coming a long would be nice), but, I'm afraid that the Rubicon of defeat has been crossed. Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah (manly the latter 3) can brag all they want about accomplishment, but they could not finish the job, which in essence, is a defeat - as the enemy is dictating every move (They will i the interim be allow (Russia and Syria) to fight separate; limited; and meaningless skirmishes, but once again, winning the battles and winning the war are two different things.

This sad story also reflects the hypocrisy of the neo-colonials. Just look out your window: Men, Women and Children are being destroyed in Yemen, and are dealing with a humanitarian crisis that include widespread disease, water contamination, food shortage, etc. This catastrophe is being led by he same characters who are screaming about an attack on Idlib would be a human catastrophe.

Look out your window again and notice that there are many conflagrations being administered by the same characters - the neo-colonials have put on the best imperial drama with this tariffs and trade warfare, but that's what it is, a show.

When it's all said and done, it will be business as usual as the dog always returns to eat its vomit - and, for centuries, the collective of neocolonialist NATO stooges are angry at the US, but they will never find the will to actually develop an alternate world order - they know that; the US knows it. The only alternative is that Russia and China wield the type of global power that slays the beast.

Don't forget about the long-suffering people of Palestine. The same people Who keep Russia and China in check, and is scheming and lying about Idlib have allowed the Apartheid state of Israel to thrive for years, not being bold enough to say that God does not like what's happening, have allowed this travesty of justice perpetuity with impunity.

Yet, you hear words and phrases, like: long-view; several decades from now; we should have better relationships. None of this stuff is relevant, as generations after generations are being destroyed. One natural law that has definitely been manifested for centuries is the one that says the strong shall destroy the weak (or control).

However, when the weak is empowered to do something, and they don't arise to the occasion then you recognize the old cliche that says the more things change and the more they remain the same.

The aforementioned sounds pessimistic, but it is truth. Russia is in the process of bungling its last chance to grab and share the rings of global power - but, then too maybe they have been simply imperialists puns and parties to the Zionist-US juggernaut - all the time.

Unfortunately, they are not up to (or never intended) completing the job - and because of this their ally, Syria may be at be end of its rope of being an independent and sovereign nation compelled to succumb to imperial hegemony.