The Tree can be seen as a symbol of order as it converges into the one, but it can also be seen as order as it separates into the many.
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Also the Eucharist is considered the Fruit of the Cross. Jesus is the Fruit on the tree of the Holy Cross. We have to eat something in order to undo the eating of the apple. That's why Jesus called the Eucharist the "Bread of Life." Might I add He also said it was mandatory to eat of this Bread otherwise you will have no life. (Jn. 6)
This reminds me of the Tree of Life spoken of in the Scripture. Across the river that comes from God's throne is the Tree of Life. It is on either side of the river separate but converges over the water into one.
You have the tree of knowledge of good and evil where Satan used the serpent as a medium to divide the human race from God.
You have the symbol of the cross, where scriptures say cursed is the one who hangs on the tree. So we have a symbol of life a tree, used as an instrument off death upon Jesus. Jesus says, when I am lifted on the cross shall draw (bring together/converge/bring order)all men to me.
It is about making you think from a different perspective..'s excellent Symbolism of the Tree.i like it..
thank you. interesting point
excellent symbolism post
Nice pic
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
I’ve found some people on here that have the vibes big ups . Love symbolism, and exploring the unseen . It is the way to build . Big ups !!!!!
Fascinating stuff. The Tree is a big totem of our collective consciousness. You are like the Robert Langdon of Steemit :) Upvoted, and Following!
Thanks for posting such a great and detailed explanation, scrolling through your feed and it looks like you cover a lot of things that I am interested in, so ill be following ;-)
love tresses .. nice post
Thanks for good post.👍

your vote is very helpful to me
tree is important to our land .. thanks to you post man ..follow me @neljoe