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RE: Donald Trump's Disgusting Puerto Rico Conspiracy, Hurricane Florence, Debby Ryan, Rihanna & More

in #sxephil7 years ago

Yeh it's difficult to be behind politicians or a set political idea over something else, like you say, when often even on opposing parties there is close enough to equality of (bad) outcome.

I read theory on free market economics and I think small libertarian government would be the fairest, at least in theory. I don't really see that happening in any country in the near future because it is such a small or non-existent part of politics in most countries.

One idea I have for politicians, probably never happen as well, is for a politician to only promise what they can deliver. Some form of smart contract where pay is withheld if they promise something they don't deliver upon. A more serious form of that would be imprisonment for lying to the public for non-delivery. In Ireland the government said they would abolish an additional tax on income from the 2008 financial crisis called USC ( universal social charge), and in the past 4 years it has been reduced but not abolished. If the political party said they had 10 goals or 20 or 50 or whatever to deliver within 4 years of power, and they had to do it, then politics would be meaningful or at least a bit of craic when politicians are carted off to jail. It's a solution to promises that sound good ( that get someone elected) but are unrealistic.

I don't think that this type of smart contract would ever become a reality but that sort of execution on policy would be great.

Obama has got charisma and was not as gung-ho as Dubya and is more eloquent than Trump. However I've still heard him referred to as Barack O'Bomber.

Yeh I've heard the criticisms of Obama like that before as well. It's a clever nickname :) but agreed the people with the most charisma can get away with a bit more than everyone else