Thank you for the intro @sagescrub, I am truly honored to be part of this initiative!
I'd love to chat, and your interviews will be published, and you could even earn something for your contributions!BTW... All you homesteaders and wildcrafters and medicine makers, I am officially taking on interview volunteers for @homesteaderscoop! I love chatting with people and sharing ideas, and if you are interested in taking part by sharing your stories and skills with us, please hit me up on discord chat @thetreeoflife
Thanks again @sagescrub, so stoked to be here.
Xx ToL
You're welcome + thank you @thetreeoflife!!! That's a great opportunity that you are putting out there to help highlight peoples efforts, intentions, knowledge, skills, etc! You are doing such a great service, I love it!
p.s. maybe this would be a good call to action in our @homesteadercoop post footers, what do you think?
😊👍Sounds great @homesteaderscoop, let me know what I can do and I will!
I will put your message above into our post template, unless you want it worded differently in which case just lmk :)
I'll dm you with edit! Thanks!
Posted using Partiko Android
👍 😎