A Solution For A Cleaner And Healthier Futur : Your Healt Insurance Against Garbages

in #sustainability7 years ago

Gamal Albinsail lets poor patients in Indonesia pay for their health care with recyclable trash. A great solution for our world-wide plastic pollution problem.


While some doctors are only interested by the money their patients bring them, Gamal Albinsail, is actually more interested by your plastic !

This smart man probably find a solution to the massive pollution in his country. He encourages people to collect waste instead of throwing them into the nature in order to pay their medical bill , He called this the Garbage Clinical Insurance ( GCI), a micro-insurance programm.


Now, what happens with all the trash collected ? Well, the clinic gets cash back from recyclables such as plastic bottles and cardboards and turns organic trash into compost and fertilizers.


Gamal explained that « We are changing people's perceptions and habits towards garbage, I believe If the positives of this problem are made know, It will excite a lot more people into adopting it »

So, please, do spread the word and don't feel shy to talk about environmental issues to your family and friends. Step by step we can save this planet from succombing under piles of trash that could have been recycled!

Recycling is not always donre in indonesia and most waste still end up thrown in rivers and then oceans. Educating people is a big mission , Throwing garbages in the nature is a totally normal thing here, and burning plastic in the streets totally fine. The population unfortunatelly doesn't realise the problem of massive pollution and the irreversible damages done to our earth.

Besides, Indonesia is still a poor country and, until not long ago, no affordable health care was available and poor people could not afford a vsist to the doctor. The Garbage Clinical Insurance is then a solution to this two problems. Gamal Albinsail manage noiw 5 clinics under the GCI waste collecting system.

To know more and picture source : https://www.changemakers.com/discussions/entries/garbage-insurance-clinic
