I'm not quite ready to give up on all americans, i sure have seen my fair share of people who would sign up for the people liberation army(sic)(tm) for a slice of cheese, but I simply can't address the entire country as a monolithic entity.
I'll keep yelling at people to wake up until I can't, or it is truly too late. And it's not too late.
There is no shortcut or one click solution, rights will not be defended by checking a box but by informed actions.
It is a law that you can't expect tech to do your bidding when you are so incurious about how it functions that you ultimately know nothing about it. That's a recipe for disaster, and to end up in the control of another person.
Movements don't start by the most ignorant people suddenly, magically changing their ways. They start by the people with the most understand and best communication skills, starting a center of a movement, and then it radiates outwards until the least capable, least motivated, most thick-headed people eventually start to think changing their ways might actually be kindof cool.
I'm with ya, not all 'muricans don't read, just the majority.
I think if we can get a few simple messages across to the majority we have a chance at success.
Crowds don't reason nor analyze, they react to stimuli.
I also agree that one needs to brush up on their coding skillz, my next computer will run Linux, if it takes me all day to get it going.
I wish I could drop some follows on you, but that isn't what happens when you are antisocial, like me.
You'll get read, but you won't get votes.
The blacklisters won't allow it.