Thank you for lifting us so high, so that our reputation directly increases and indirectly our income also increases, for that look to my eyes, because I still a minnow and need more support from you
Hi @yoo1900, this is my craft that I often show here, many of my handicrafts have been sold with varying prices, I re-create miniature resting place of some small choice wood. Hope you like it, and want to see it.
This is the coconut kentos, people rarely care about this coconut kentos, but it tastes very sweet and tasty and if the amount is very suitable in making vegetables
Hi sir @yoo1900, for a long time you did not see my post, and for this time I really hope your support with theme of my post, difference between butterfly with moth, thank you for your attention and support.
Hello @yoo1900 well done,
Thank you for lifting us so high, so that our reputation directly increases and indirectly our income also increases, for that look to my eyes, because I still a minnow and need more support from you
Hi @yoo1900, this is my craft that I often show here, many of my handicrafts have been sold with varying prices, I re-create miniature resting place of some small choice wood. Hope you like it, and want to see it.
This is the coconut kentos, people rarely care about this coconut kentos, but it tastes very sweet and tasty and if the amount is very suitable in making vegetables
Congratulations to the winner:
Hi sir @yoo1900, for a long time you did not see my post, and for this time I really hope your support with theme of my post, difference between butterfly with moth, thank you for your attention and support.
Hi @yoo1900, here's my post about social media that is almost the same as steemit, I joined a few hours ago. Maybe you are interested to see it.
Unique banana plant, although the stem is dead but this plant can produce fruit, magic and very interesting.
A pretty girl is seen climbing a coconut, it's a little funny, if you look at it you'll be fascinated with its beauty. Hahahaha 😍