Today I am still minnow and in accordance with the criteria to get promotion from you, so for that I will try again my luck here, of course with original content, informative, useful and free of plagiarism elementHi @yoo1900, thanks for giving me a win nine days ago.
Hi @yoo1900, for the umpteenth time, hope you want to visit my post.
Hi @yoo1900 please see my post
Hi @yoo1900, congratulations to the winners, look at my post about nature in Aceh. Thanks
Hi @yoo1900, here's my post about a grandmother working hard to make ends meet. This grandmother works in the sun without giving up.
Hi @yoo1900, let's see if it's funny or weird, this time we see grandfather looking for a younger couple and while many young are looking for widows or elderly ladies, how do you think and it looks like this world is going upside down.
Trying luck on @yoo1900
We can not judge someone from outside and sometimes someone from outside is like a dog, a cat or a rabbit but if we magnify his life and go deeper then we will know who that person really is.
Outside there are many friends who are not familiar with steemit, but all have talent, writing, art, and so forth. Let us help and introduce this steemit to them to know what they should do and not always hate destiny, because if we want to change then there must be a way especially in this steemit.
Hope there's always support
Congratulation for the winners.
ILLUMINATIhi @yoo1900, check this my post about
please check my post @yoo1900
Hi @yoo1900, congratulations to the winners, look at my post about nature in Aceh. Thanks
@yoo1900. please support me, just one
Hi @yoo1900, here's my post about a grandmother working hard to make ends meet. This grandmother works in the sun without giving up.
To want to achieve a goal, then the main thing to do is to do things that lead to that goal. What is desired but if that direction to another goal then until whenever success will never be achieved
I hope you support me day @yoo1900. My post today tells about Caterpillar Unique. I hope you like it.
Since I joined here I have never received anyone's support, please help me @yoo1900 and this my post
Hi @yoo1900, How are you to day. I hope you are well.
Congratulation for the winners.
HAARPhi @yoo1900, check this my post about
Hi @yoo1900, after several months joining in steem, i still minnow. I see great support for the minnows here. A support competition with post promotion as an instrument. I've followed several times, but have not been lucky. Hopefully today I am lucky and feel your fantastic support.
Hello @yoo1900
I came here to get your support @yoo1900
A professional person is not restricted with age, but who is in need of experience and practice, how according to @yoo1900 ?, hope there is feedback and advice, thank you
Nice post
Congratulations to the winners. It's not easy to be selection by @yoo1900 himself, you should be honored.
Sir I love the work you are doing for the Steemit community. You generosity will be rewarded with more blessing - I pray so.
I'll appreciate if you could visit my blog thank you very much sir
Congratulation for the winners.
INFORMATION WARhi @yoo1900, check this my post about
Hi @yoo1900, here's my post about a grandmother working hard to make ends meet. This grandmother works in the sun without giving up.
If we want to create a creative then anything can, provided we are sure and what we make it really different from the others.
Hope you are entertained and liked
Congratulation to all winners to day. I hope you support me day @yoo1900. My post today tells about Caterpillar Unique. I hope you like it.
It's hard to believe that the original needle made of iron will not drown when placed on water, today I will reveal the secret of how to make the needle not drown on the water, follow me and the secrets you will find.
Good luck, and I'm sure you can all do it
Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!
Hi @yoo1900 I have not been lucky, and I continue to follow your posts.