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                                 CRITICAL BOOK REVIEW
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Thank God we pray to God Almighty for all wisdom, gifts and time so that by His permission can be created this book review criticism. With the criticism of this book is expected to be an appreciation for the readers interested and can be applied in everyday life and society. The making of this paper aims to complete one of the basic volleyball subjects at the State University of Medan. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank as much as possible to the friends who have provided support in making this book criticism review of biomechanics analysis theory. And finally we hope hopefully this paper can add insight to the world of this science. Any criticism and constructive suggestions to complete this journal We thank gladly and airy chest, so and thank you.

Medan, 8 maret 2018


Background. 2

  1. Purpose. 2
  2. Benefits 2
  3. Book identity
  4. Excellence. 4
  5. Weakness 4
  6. Conclusion. 5
  7. Suggestion 5
           1.2 PURPOSE
  1. To know exactly what the meaning and intent of criticizing it.

  2. to know the basic principles of criticism

  3. to add insight into suggestions and criticism
    1.3 BENEFITS

  4. To fulfill the task of Critical book Reveiw course

  5. To increase knowledge about how to criticize it and what are the basics.
    A. BOOK I
    Title of book: The fundamentals of physical education
    Author: prof.arman Abdullah and drs. Agus manadji
    Pages.Page: 218 pages

            CHAPTER I

The knowledge of the primitive peoples who lived long before our present day is incomplete and age is not yet old. It is only since the science of cultural anthropology has uncovered the secrets of their lives through the interpretation of ancient relics, people are beginning to be able to imagine the primitive life of the ancient people in the past. Also conducted research on the primitive nation that still exists.
Drai relics - it is clear that humans have achieved progress through several stages of development. The first stage is the Eolithic period in which humans have not dressed and life resembles animals in foraging and not under the roof. He just used sticks and stones to protect himself. The second stage is the Paleotilic era in which the human state is more advanced, has taken shelter in the caves, wearing clothes as simple as made of leather, have found fire and made sharp weapons. They can also draw on the walls of the cave. The third stage is the Neolithic period where humans have been able to make pottery, arrows and bows, woven fabrics and able to tame the animals to be his servants.
Of course education goes forward in accordance with the progress achieved by humans, because education is a conscious effort and aims to prepare children into adult life. The goal is of course in accordance with the necessities that are considered important in the life of the primitive man himself. Because in primitive times people are still fighting against the savage realm, and belief / religion dominates the facet of life, then education is strongly influenced by both conditions.
The savage nature demands from a primitive man a survival ability (Survival). In order to do so primitive man must be united in a group, so education determines the characteristics of the group. Besides, it is also the common goal of safety. Group consciousness and group solidarity are strongly emphasized.
Many things are told to imitate by the child because they have not understood the cause of an event or event. A thing that in the past has been able to save the group needs to be taught to the child. Especially about the phenomena in nature, for example: the spin of the earth, the wind, the thunder, the death, the famine, etc. they have not understood, it is not surprising that the belief in spirits and spiritual things dominate their lives.
If the above is understood, it can be understood also that physical exercise is directed toward achieving efficiency in maintaining group survival, daily food searching, natural conquest. The agency needs to be strong, resilient, resilient, agile to overcome nature and opponents, hunt and in the use of weapons and other important tools. Group loyalty and cooperation between group members are developed through joint exercises, dance and games.


  1. Ancient Egypt
    Although Egyptian civilization reached its peak of about 1500 bc, the oldest records of the challenge of Egypt have existed since 5000 bc. When the Egyptians became civilized, formal education received much attention. There were signs of physical education becoming an important pincush in culture.
  2. Ancient Greece
    Physical education in Greece. The Greeks were the first nation in Europe to reach a high degree of civilization. So advanced they are that the modern world has received a rich heritage in their literature, government, art, and architecture. Physical education plays a more important role for the nation. Greece than for any society at that time.
    a. Aegean Age
    The popular gymnastics, as the greece diprakekkan later, seems to be reduced, a painting of three acrobats and bulls found in the palace of Knossos. An acrobat relies on a bull's horn (bull), another jumps over his back, and the third stands behind the animal to catch his friend in the air.
    b. Homeric ages
    For a century before 1000 years BC tall and blond immigrants came in large numbers dating to the greece of the north from the north. These arrivals mingled with the relatively small number of Aegean natives and formed the greek nation of the homeric centuries and centuries later.
    c. Physical education in Sparta
    The growth of wealth, population growth, relationships with civilizations of the people / the east, and the advancement and natural attainment of the primitive, simple, and rough homeric century into a period of greedy and productive greek history, in the fifth and sixth centuries bc, have a democratic government, people's dedication, and abundant wealth.
    The Spartans, from their historic beginnings, are the most patriotic and warlike people. Their ever-winning army seats almost every southern city-state. This belligerent spirit and successful leadership over its challenge to form social institutions and education are born two major cities, namely Sparta and Athens.

B. History of physical exercise education in some countries

  1. In Asia
    • Japan
    Japan is a large population, consisting of four large islands and small islands. Although contact with the western rhymes had been made early in the year, 1542 and several ties had been incarnated, a pressing feobalist government emerged in the 17th century and lasted roughly 25, years. Until th. 1867.
    • China
    China has never been a country that is closely intertwined with a strong and influential central government with a powerful and influential central government. Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, all have agreements with China until the open door politics proposed by the United States, giving all the countries the same openness to trade with China.

  2. In Africa
    a. south Africa
    South Africa is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Indian Ocean on the other. A large country, almost half a million square miles, is a plateau (2,000 to 5,000 feet altitude) though some of its mountains are in the east and some of its plains are low along the coastline.
    Dr. Ernsi jockey contributed a lot to the progress of physical education in south africa. In 1938 he produced a film that gives a picture of the type of physical activity to be used in physical education. This film is noticed in many groups and is generally well received.
    The goals of physical education in southern Africa include organic fitness, healthy habits used, neuromuscular skills, a constant interest in leisure, social habits and desirable attitudes.
    Special preparation for prospective physical education teachers is conducted at the university premises. Spelialization was completed during the period during the four-year study period. However, in all four teacher education colleges in the four provinces for those who have completed regular education can take a year of physical education, giving them qualifications about physical education in primary school.

  3. In Europe
    a. Britani highway
    When the countries of the European continent created a system of gymnastics and developed the science of physical education, the people of britain continued their participation in various sports outside the building. The isolated position of Britain and its naval power which can protect from the danger of outside attack so that it can not be closed can contribute to defending the State. The urging of jahn advocating physical development in England has never been carried out.
    b. German
    The program of physical education in Germany is in line with the political character of its people, which strongly prioritizes the sense of nationalism, the leaders of the 19th century is friedrich Ludwig jahn the liberal wing and very effective in promoting teurverein. Adolph spsiees, who during the period introduced the Swedish gymnastics system from the ling and tried to force the gym system into the army and schools.
    c. France
    Efforts to develop nationalism in France after the French revolution include, among other things, the educational factor of children by the State. Napoeleon gave strong support to the movement, and he developed an educational program that was once decentralized toward a centralized educational system.
    d. Russia
    Developing a new social structure on the rusai, a country that covers almost 16-17 percent of the earth's surface, has involved the efforts of its people in the past few years. To help develop this change, education has been widely used to indoctrinate all youth with communicative ideology.
    e. Czechoslovakia
    The struggle to liberate from the tyranny of the empire's haspbung during the 1800s caused the covetous people to develop a physical education program aimed at giving people physical and spiritual strength to gain freedom.
    f. Netherlands
    The Dutch support the complex school system. At the primary school level it is generally dominated by the private sector. However, both public and private schools are supported. The influence of the church (catholic and calvilnistis) is quite large and has a great support for the view that games and recreation are wasting

           CHAPTER III

 I think the cover of this book is interesting because it comes with a picture of thought and eye view.
 The writing cultivation is easy to understand because it is accompanied, like English, making the translation beside it.
 There are exercises per chapter in this book that can help the reader to remember the material.
 The conclusion of each chapter or row
 The systematics are easy to understand.
 This book is in the form of photo copy
 The font size in this book is too small
 Lots of empty space.
 The content or content is short because it makes here only the points.
 Standard font size, not too big or small.
 Only a few empty spaces.
 The page is thicker.
 This book is original.
 The systematics are easy to understand.
 The cover design is nice / interesting
 The contents of the book are colorless.
 The book does not exist.
 This book has many strokes in it.

           CHAPTER IV

So I can conclude that from a book sanggat worth use because it has close and close relation. The book shares the same goals and objectives of education and physicality, the application of the development of play and the lead of learners and the foundation in education to facilitate the development of movement for beginners and their application.
Suggestion :
According to my suggestion in this book it needs to be updated as well as the first book with an adequate list of authors. Because this book is very much read in the community, so we expect more kedepanyan opinions of experts / professions and Dr.

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