Congrats to the winners. Just letting the people know about Steepshot App for Steemit, its basically like Instagram but for us. Thanks @yoo1900 your very kind and generous. Keep up the love, everyone. Giving love to gain love is what its all about... God Bless.....
If our heart is happy, then any work will be very light in the work, but if the heart is angry and in the household always quarrels with wife and children do not obey the rules, then whatever we do will be heavy even though cotton lifted.
hello @yoo1900 Here is my activity today fishing in the river. thank you for your participation @yoo1900 who has supported us in making the best post.
@yoo1900 if you go to this place then you will be fascinated
When we go to the river, especially the river located in the mountains then we will easily find the unique stones for like this, the stone is very suitable in the eyes of the ring.
this is a unique place in Indonesia with ornaments like in korea country and hopefully @yoo1900 happy with this post
@yoo1900 this is unique building in french, i hope you like it