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RE: Support minnows , Date 10.9.2018 promote content on Steemit - NEW STUFF!

in #support7 years ago


Spiders are classic animals

Spiders, or also known as spiders, are a type of book animal
(ARTHROPODA). with two body segments, four pairs of legs, no wings, and no mouth chewing. All types of spiders are classified into orders

Spiders are predatory animals and sometimes the main prey is INSECT. Almost all types of spiders, with the exception of about 150 species of the Uloboridae and Holarchaeidae tribes, and the Mesothelae suborder, are able to inject through their fangs to their enemies or prey. However, of the tens of thousands of species that exist, only about 200 species whose bites can harm humans.

Not all spiders make NETWORK. to catch prey, but all of them are able to produce SILK YARN. namely the strands of thin but strong protein fiber ... from the gland (SPINNERET) which is located on the back of his body. This silk fiber is very useful to help the movement of spiders, swinging from place to place, trapping prey, making EGG bags, protecting the nest hole.

hopefully useful and successful always with us all (amen)


We may not know that the leaves can be made creative and unique is that these leaves can be in the form of animal pictures, hopefully you like them.

