Como se siente ser diferente /my life as a supernatural being (no joke)

in #supernatural7 years ago

Cuando era pequeña me la pasaba con visiones extrañas y constantemente me sentia fuera de lugar , mi identidad se basa basicamente en la precognicion (en los sueños) , que es la capacidad de poder ver el futuro . Con el tiempo ha ido decallendo y por otra parte se me ha ido generando entre telepatia pero todavia no estoy segura en una parte me oriente hacia lo que le llaman psychometria , pero esta informacion se queda directamente en mi cabeza y se comparte con mis sentidos , yo realmente he tratado de subcatenar mis sentidos y de que esto no me consuma. Por eso creo saber cosas que no se solo con el tacto aveces no me siento feliz porque no hay otras personas como yo. Y otros no lo entienden.

Todavia trato de darle explicacion a estos fenomenos que me suceden , pero no las hay.

When I was really small I couldn't sleep properly because I had precognitive dreams , which you can foretell the future , also later between my teenagers years I had issues with telepathy I think I develop or I'm still doubting with psychometry due to the knowledge of information , this are dangerous powers use un properly but I wanted to know if people on the community could also share me their experiences as well.

I'm considere basically a psych , I always felt different from my family members , and out of my family intend to this that no one else felt. Here for the first time I talk it personally and openly ,I don't expect to be welcome but at least not to be treated as a fenom, I know I have had between two to three super natural powers.
Due that electricity around me is also affected . Some people told me I have a strong aura. I don't know .
The electric power has being bothersome because people can notice I'm different .
Light flicking , shut downs of electricity mostly when my emotions emboid .
I'm still learning on how to live with them please don't joke on this. Is hard sometimes .
I had damage many electrical devices due that they couldn't adapt to my body . Or I couldn't regulate the energy itself.
I want to stay close to people , but I know I'm like this.