SuperMessage (2) to Elon Musk

in #supermessage7 months ago

👽SuperMessage (2) to Elon Musk: This is the big guy speaking. You have been chosen as the SuperBiped to lead SpaceShipEarth into a fantastic space age SuperWorld INVADING THE ASTEROID BELT with (eventually) fleets of DragonFly Asteroid Miners. But first, we have launched the SuperBot project for you -- the project to save the paralyzed people of the world with robotic help.

The "SuperTribe" gets born (actually, they are already born; the born get "MindLinked") to become many times more powerful with a laser-like MindConnection to the GlassBox for the SuperBot project. ONE QUANTUM EVERY WEEK FOREVER (the SuperDirective) into the GlassBox (which you will find on the SuperBot's website) from all the millions of MindMembers of the borderless SuperTribe is far more money than Elon Musk could ever dream of having: trillions of dollars that you will use to pay for the trillions of dollars worth of SuperBots you will need for all the paralyzed people on SpaceShipEarth to receive a free SuperBot that will get them out of bed and out of their wheel chairs into the walking world.

Is that not something? Just by obeying the SuperDirective (quantums into a GlassBox) millions of ordinary people (the MindLinked SuperTribe) become so collectively powerful that they can finance the SuperBot project forever. A quantum is the price of a cup of coffee. You MindLink to become the SuperTribe with all this collective power, or you don't and you remain pathetically bitty-brained, collectively stunned, existing blissfully on a time bomb -- global nuclear war.

If you were God watching all this would you bother trying to save a bunch of people so laughably stupid that they would not MindLink planet-wide (with coffee money) to become a borderless SuperGroup (the SuperTribe) so powerful that they can finance and have a SuperBot project and a fantastic DragonFly Asteroid Miner SuperProject financed the same way -- through another GlassBox listed in the SuperCore of the SuperHub? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE POWER IN NUMBERS.

boing boing