Price Today
BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $9,055.00
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000035
SUP USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0032
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000028
SUP USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0025
SUP BTC ( = 0.00000029
SUP USD ( = $0.0026
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $5.28
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $4.84
Price Yesterday
BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $8,685.82
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000027
SUP USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0023
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000024
SUP USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0021
SUP BTC ( = 0.00000025
SUP USD ( = $0.0022
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $3.82
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $4.26
Check my post Superior Coin Telegram Channel and Bot.
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Daily Steemit Faucet post for 10th February 2018
SuperiorCoin is now listed on WorldCoinIndex - Steemit Post
I tried creating a task asking people to follow me on steemit with my steemit profile link url and clicked on the +create button but still nothing happened? I retried over and over at intervals, nothing still, the page just stood still, it's frustrating, what do i have to do? I want to buy supcoin now as much as possible, please help i need to have the kryptonia account up and running. Thanks
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SuperiorCoin is now listed on WorldCoinIndex
I opened an account already on kryptonia but i dont know if its authorised already or not, i keep getting a create task page, what should I do?
Always contact support if you have an issue
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Hello, how do i get a sup coin wallet? I tried kryptonia but it's requesting me to create task which i don't have an idea of, how do i create a supcoin account and how do i buy some coins?
If I'm correct, you have to create a task to create a Kryptonia account. It can be anything, even just posting a link to your Steemit account.
I tried to, countless number of times but it won't let me get past the task section, i clicked on the create task but nothing happened for more than an hour, what do i do?
Ah, I really don't know other than that. Is everything required to complete the task filled out? Do you get an error message or does just nothing happen?
I filled in all the required fields, it all shows in green abd then after i click the creat button nothing happens, i just keep staring at the screen, i tried both on my pc and my android phone
Up up up up !
Informative post nice
thank fuck things are making a change last few days let the gains keep coming
SBD got up, that's good ;-)
Thanks for update News
Am happy btc is going up
Vamos por buen camino!Ese es el precio que merecemos!
Very helpful post, thanks
upvote & resteem
Gotta come back up..
Go up bitcoin .
thank fuck things are making a change last few days let the gains keep coming
Nice. going up at a slow rate.
I am very happy! SBD up!
SBD: UP!!!!
I'm so happy for sbd
Good post
Nice. going up at a slow rate.
Thank you very mutch
thank fuck things are making a change last few days let the gains keep coming
glad to know super coin is listen on world coin index. steem is doing well is an other great news. Thanks for shsaring:)
Please, let the rise continue!