There is something special about creation that I enjoy.
It is marvelous to see the way that it all works together. The rain, the plants, the animals, the soil, the sunset. Today, I was driving back home when I noticed some cattle on the horizon. Interestingly enough, the subtle sunset seemed to outline the wood line, and accented it in am impressive way. I'm still playing around with my new camera and figuring it out, so I cropped most of these photos to make them more panoramic. I hope that you like them.
This photo above was one of my favorites. I think that the honey locust and barbed wire compliment one another very nicely.
I really like this one too. I had to head out in the field to take a few of these shots. Thankfully, the cows left me alone. Which one is your favorite?
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Best sunset view ever of my life clicked with D5
Wow! It is beautiful.
Creation and Nature displays the beauty of God. God invested His time is creating all these, that's why it looks beautiful.
Keep it up brother. I enjoy your posts.
Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper
Thanks for the encouragement!
When you speak of how everything works together...the rain, the clouds, the melting snow, the wind, and the list goes on and on - it's wonderful to see nature in action.
It reminds us that we are a part of it and that it's much bigger than all of us. Tons of things go unnoticed around us all the time. I'm glad you "stopped and smelled the roses."
Me too! Gotta notice what would otherwise go missing!
@breakfastchief stopping to smell the roses helps us really see things differently. I like to just look out my window or sit on my back porch and just watch and listen to the birds, squirrels, rabbits and the leaves in the trees as the wind blows. It is beauty where you least expect it.
Very helpful..
Please vote me
Gotta love your humor sense. Love the proof of bovine silhouette. Very neat bovine too!
LOL - Glad that you liked it!
Cheers papa-pepper!
Cheers @edgarsart! How are you this year?
Great! New projects planned,can not wait to share them! Always enjoying your posts!
nature has given us everything we have to respect it
wow! so beautiful..
Beautiful photos, these inspire so calm.
Love silhouettes. Yours was a bovine intervention :D
I really love the photo with the barbed wire. It reminds me of when I was young and we would walk the train tracks looking for new places to explore. Also the horizon in your photos is magnificent!! The way it rises from the melon/yellow color into the soft blue. The epitome of dusk. Wonderful pics! Thanks for sharing these.
Thanks man! I liked that too. I've got a lot of clothes with rips in them from barbed wire!
That is a very nice view @papa-pepper. The pictures indicate that u've got a really good camera.
Great photos
I got my likes for the photo with the honey locust and barbed wireReally Beautiful Sights @papa-pepper..
Me too! Thanks for agreeing! LOL!
This is cool friends.
the ox in our place is very much a friend, every day the greatness of the ox made in the main ingredient of the cuisine,
success for you my friend @papa-pepper.
@papa-pepper it is hard to choose a favorite. The first one I do love how the glow of the sunset on the horizon is and the last one where the bovine is looking dead at the camera. Great photography the sunset is beautiful. I love the country and the woods. Black and white photos would really bring out how massive the bovine is in last picture. I enjoy all your post. When looking through the tags and topics I always seem to click your post before any others.
That's Awesome.
The picture looks cooler by the bushes and small trees in behind the cattle.
And the proof at the end, I don't think it was necessary. Cause I know we believe on you.
beautiful scenery @papa-pepper
it seems like that you are a great have good eye and a very good focus.keep it up.your shots are too lovely
Dope, I could see that on the wall. :) Happy New Year
Creation and Nature displays the beauty of God. God invested His time is creating all these, that's why it looks beautiful.
Keep it up brother. I enjoy your posts.
Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper
You just repeat the comment from @kingsley-clement 33 minutes after he makes it?? What is the point of that?
sorry I just greeted you, hopefully be a friend steem
Awesome. I've never mastered my DSLR maybe I should start shooting more often are a brilliant doubt of you have captured them nicely to your camera..look at the colour of the sky and the shadows of the animals blend with it..this is amazing :) love them of the best captures i have seen in my life
Wow, thanks a lot!
Looks like you are enjoying your new camera.
I love the sunset pictures. These are not the usual sunset pictures you see, but that is why I love them.
I am enjoying it! Thank you. I liked the subtle sunset tonight, and stopped to enjoy it!
Those are really pretty photos! I love the cow in the background!
Did you take those shots with your new camera? Its beautiful @papa-pepper
hello author...just read your has quality stuff in it ...just followed your for more pist..thanks
this is the beauty of nature that God had created for us to appreciate and use. nice pictures @papa-pepper. not bad for a beginner. just kidding.
Woowww, its the great lancape Mr, the nature is amazing
Hate to be a picky bugger, those were bulls/steers, in NZ they have been known to dislike strangers, even the farmer, in their paddocks, a bull with his head down can run a lot faster on his four legs than you can on your two.
Take care, we need you here on steemit, not spread like jam [jelly] on the paddock
Yup, I knew that. That is part of why I was glad the big one stayed put.
sunset.great click by you , it all shows the creation of God 🌷God created the world so beautiful if we see it with the inner sight and with the core of our heart 💕.I love too the nature and it is my wish to click that moments like the sunset,sunrise,shores and alot but i have no DSLR ;) That's why these are remained my wishes.thanks again for great click.Great @papa-pepper amazing shot from your DSLR...🐦👍I liked it.💕 i love the beauty of
Beautiful post @papa-pepper thank you for sharing, and I salute you because I always follow you friend and I also have some new post also if there is time visit once ..
Nice photo sunset
I upvote and resteem Good post friends @papa-pepper
The one with the fence is definitely my favorite! Awesome photos. My daughter, @okylxx, is obsessed with sunset. If it is a clear day, she can be found, at golden hour, taking photos of the sunset. Even if we are driving, she will make me stop the car, so she can capture it. Lol! Sunset is truly a beautiful thing.
very nice and interesting post @papa-pepper
Kinda reminds me of my brother-in-law's farm.
Very Nice shots -- you always take premium photos, papa-pepper ♦♦ There so good, that I could do a painting based off them.
Like the "panoramic effect" too
Beautiful shots... a cow enjoys magic hour!
Wowwwww perfect picture
lover pics of bovines keep it up!
Awesome photos!! :) If your in to cool photos you might like the Mountains our AI generated.

time to invest time with stemaat
What a lovely picture, beautiful colors and light!
Awesome photo! check out my pic
beautiful, transmits peace