It sounds like you have your own breakfast tricks up your sleeve. You and HH have impeccable taste in the culinary department. Next time you prepare that little omelette concoction, by all means do share! It sounds right up my alley with the kalamata and golden beet. Trust me, I eat my share of heavy :D
One day I'll get an "unusual" egg on my fork...maybe. Thanks for stopping by! Take care.
I shall try to do that, make a post of a 'heavy' morning repast. And what constitutes and unusual egg? Blue or brown, quail, as in a DDA breakfast, ostrich, emu, old dinosaur. Any I have missed? I do have an old ostrich egg casing, but the innards are gone. And a couple of like emu. So I must look elsewhere for such. I DO think there are emu ranches down in your corner of the world, unless mistaken. Talk about a MONDO omelette. Cheerio(s)
Yes! I'm looking forward to seeing your breakfast. Your food posts are always deliciously quirky.
Ahh, as far as unusual eggs go, sure a different species of bird (do they all taste similar??) or maybe lizard or sea urchin. Those last two might not be ethical, depending on who you ask.
Yes there are plenty of emu around here, some only a few minutes by car. Yet I have never eaten an emu egg, or even a fraction of one. Eggs have always been challenging for me, so I prefer them with a a heaping of accouterments. Cheerios are delicious for breakfast too! :^D