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RE: There Is Nothing Wrong With Suicide

in #suicide7 years ago (edited)

Just had a friend attempt earlier this week. Thank god they pumped her stomach at 2 am. It is selfish and shortsighted if they are in good physical health.
She texted me a personalized suicide note. I got it after she attempted because I was away from my phone. Could not reach her for six hours.
The pain I went through is something I could never wish on my worst enemy.
I did not want to tell anyone on here because it felt too personal. But. This is a very dark and yet interesting argument. I'm definatly doing a post tomorrow on it.
Question for @kyriacos (Genuine curiosity, not intending to be combative or trying to set you up for a counter argument.)
So if someone comes to the ER with serious injuries due to a failed suicide attempt. If the doctors perform no actions. They will die.
The patient remains conscious enough to request death.
What should happen?


They should assist that person die in their own terms.

So every person who asks to be killed should be?
Edit: Right then and there they should stop trying to save their life and let them bleed out?