Blue Whale Challenge

in #suicide7 years ago

A game created in Russia, and a man using this game admitted to using psychological manipulation to convince teens to kill themselves.

According to reports the Blue Whale Challenge was created several years ago in Russia, and it has been taking teens to "die with a purpose. "

In today's times people are dying by large numbers, whether it's a drug overdose, drowning, or at the hands of the people who took an oath to serve and protect. People are dying and it has become the norm for our everyday lives that we donate a few minutes of grief and carry on with our day. Since that isn't enough, someone decided to come up with this horrible challenge.

The Blue Whale Challenge is an deadly game that is designed to make you take your own life after completing the challenges set in a span of 50 days. The challenge can be from something minute as watching a horror film to something drastic as walking on the roof ledge while taking pictures.

It has been focused on those who feel they are unworthy or not loved by their own family or community that they seek excitement and PURPOSE in a game that is destined to end your life.

It's almost as if you're accumulating points throughout the 50 days and the winner received a death certificate. It is sickening and after reading multiple stories I can see how it is hard for parents to catch on to these hidden underground activities..

My friend Nija was sharing a similar story to one's of the Blue Whale Challenge, and I look forward to sharing it with the steemit community once I get all details. Until then, please keep an eye out for any designs of whales carved into people's skin, as well as some other key clues. I have posted the link down below that covers the 50 challenges.


What the actual f*ck?! I don't even know how to respond to this. World, we need to talk.

Very Nice, Excellent massage in the Picture.

Excellent advice regarding blue 🐋.!

The same thing happened in Algeria 20 days ago

2 victims in algeria

I like post and picture.

I seriously still can't realize how one can fall for this thing and be convinced by random strangers to take their own life. Unbelievable! My thoughts and prayers to the vitcims' families.

Yes off course, we also get notified from our government agencies and from public media about this 50 task killer killer game. As of my knoledge the moderator of the game gives the users a simple task in the begining stage..and they hack all the personal information of the users and blackmail them when they reached the higher level.. Still now i don't understand the motivation behind that killer game. I think the developer of that game is purely a psychic.. @joseph

The gift of life must be appreciated, no attempt whatsoever should be made to end it.. No even via gaming

Wow, never heard of this before - how tragic! Kind of sick to create something like this...

I don't care what is that mean, but I want to say " the is the amazing improvisation creation " . that is great arts for me. Thanks for the picture. have fun.

Wow so terrible. There is enough despair in the world I just can't understand why someone would create this :(

Because a successful person takes advantage of opportunities Miss

In India, more than 100 teenagers have died because of this and the creator of this game does not even have a remorse on what he did.

This especially dangerous for vulnerable teens. I have heard a little about this but didn't know what the challenges were. Thank you for posting this. We all need to be aware. We live in a very sick world...

i haven't heard about this before not until today. OMG! i can't believe there's such thing as evil as this. they're playing lives. unbelievable!

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a very strange world, a lot of strange things that happen beyond common sense and human instinct ... drugs have become a real enemy in eradicating the nation's generation in the world ...

a very strange world, a lot of strange things that happen beyond common sense and human instinct,
drugs have become a real enemy in eradicating the nation's generation in the world.

This is unacceptable! Teens are emotionally fragile individuals. Thus, manipulation is easy. Emotional pain in teens can lead to self harming and thoughts of suicide. We need to catch and educate these kids early! And the person who started this game needs to be punished! Btw, thank you for raising awareness.

Evil people exist because we don’t speak out strongly enough against them. Someone needs to follow this trail back to its origin. Perhaps making him play his own game.

In fact, the most part of this «challenge» was created by russian media for promotion laws for internet censorship and the most «victims» are fakes or trolls (not all, of course).

A short story about it:

  1. 22 Nov. 2015 — Рина Паленкова (Rina Palenkova) published 2 selfies with a railway in a background and with an inscription «ня.пока.» (nya.bye) in Vkontakte (russian facebook). On the next day, she committed suicide — crushed under the train (the reason for this act is unhappy love).
  2. Users of Russian imageboards started sharing this situation and this phrase (ня.пока.) became a meme. The result is many russian teenagers started publishing similar selfies and this inscription.
  3. And of course, someone did wanting to get money from this situation — the girl was subscribed to the «f57» group and the admins of it started sharing gossips that the reason for the suicide was psychedelic videos from their group. Then several other people created similar groups.
  4. The admins of these groups did announce «flashmob of suicides» but the result is all «suicides» were fakes — the most members of this «flashmob» were admins themselves.
  5. 16 May 2016 — all these groups had no more than a few hundreds of subscribers, almost all forgot «ня.пока», and the most admins lost interest. But in this day, Novaya Gazeta (a Russian newspaper) published a big «research» about these groups. This «research» has many inconsistencies, mistakes, and the minimum amount of serious evidence. However, it got more than 1.5 millions of views in the first 2 days.
  6. Hello a moral panic, real suicides, and new laws for internet censorship.

Dont care!!!bored hearing this game name.....!!!😅😡😑😇

So you're advertising it? You're aware of the negative effect of negative advertising? Anti-smoking ads increase smoking.

I get it, it's tradgic, but they're doing it volluntarily, and there are lots of issue about people being killed involluntarily that seems should take extreme precedent.

Also, the world is way less violent than any other time in history, by almost every metric.

We should strive for better, but also be thankful and share our blessings.

I heard about this but I discarded the message not paying much attention to it as I thought it was just one of the random broadcast message on whatsapp. Thank God I know now. Thank you for the affirmation....

I just joined Steemit about six months ago, but only recently started posting frequently. I wrote Heavy's Blue Whale Challenge story you referenced here, and just wanted to thank you for sharing this with the Steemit community and alerting parents about the dangers. I know it's odd to get a comment 2 months after a story was posted, but I just wanted to thank you. It's so important to warn people about the dangers of this game. People are still finding my story, even months later, because the game is apparently still circulating widely. :(