13 Reasons Why. "If you are listening, you're too late"

in #suicide7 years ago

Being a person that was teased daily at school for being skinny and for being super naive, I was extremely grateful to see this show bring awareness to the subject of bullying and suicide. Right now at this moment people are dying inside of hurt and are desperate for help, but they are keeping quite. I was one of them.

Even though I had a few really close friends, I made sure that no one noticed I was dying of inner sadness. And I surely could not imagine saying a word to anyone about it. I thought that it would make the situation worse. So what did I do? To deal with the teasing of various classmates, I setup a wall for everyone by always smiling and pretending to be the happy go lucky girl.

Teasing seems so harmless. We all tease other people and laugh about it for whatever reason, whilst totally forgetting that we may hurt someones feelings more than we realize. Especially when teasing someone about their looks or by easily physically assaulting someone smaller than you are. If you think that bullying someone (no matter how they react) over and over can never lead to hurting them so extremely that they would commit suicide, guess again.

"Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population. On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years."- World Health Organization

If you think you being are bullied, please do not hesitate to talk to your friends and parents about it. It's ok to talk about it. Trust me, it will at the least feel as a relief that you did this for yourself. If you just can't seem to open up to people who are close to you, then you can go to your school counselor. She or he gets paid to listen to you and also to give you advice that is based on a ton of studies. If you are suicidal, you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try. You can also go to https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org or look for a social worker of psychologist.

Know that YOU CAN BEAT this hurt!

People can be really mean, but your life is more precious than hurtful words or actions by someone who may or not feel as bad as you do. Stand up for yourself, and they and everyone else will respect you for it!

If this post only reached you, and you take action and seek help, that would be priceless to me! Do it for the both of us. Know that I believe in you! Big hug to whomever you are <3

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Great message. We're focusing more and more on bullying -- for good reason -- but I think it's so important that we also encourage people to speak up and talk to someone if they feel they need help, as you said. The more we make it ok for people to talk about their mental health, and to speak up when they're struggling, the better we'll all be.