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RE: You Aren't Alone, Things Can Get Better & I'm Still Here For You if Needed.

in #suicide7 years ago

Hopefully your post reaches that one person.. standing in the closet on a bucket... contemplating ending it.. and they see that suicide doesn't solve your problems.. it just passes them on to your love ones.. suicide is never the answer.. if you think it is get help.. NOW.. thanks for sharing your story @kyle


Lead by example when you can I say. As someone who's dealt with depression and thoughts of self harm since before his balls dropped I can safely say that I understand the nature of the depression beast. While there is no one size fits all cure for it.. I do believe that removing the negative stigma attached to depression and suicidal thoughts is the first step.

If people see me, read my story and realize they aren't in this crazy ass world alone then I've done part of what I've intended to do. We're trained by society over here in north america to be "manly" or "strong" by hiding or bottling our emotions.. Fuck that! Let them flow, I don't feel any less of a man for expressing the fact I have feelings. Neither should anyone else.