Everyone knows the sweet white stuff tasting so deliciously sweet we can't resist it: SUGAR! Yes, our daily companion. It is nearly in every single meal we are taking to us, not only in bakery stuff. And everyone is fine with that because, well, what can just a small teaspoon or two of sugar effect. It's like nothing! You won't even taste it most of the time! BUT.... it has a big impact on our health! Consuming over a period of time a small amount of sugar EVERY day isn't benefiting us people. In contrary, we get addicted to it and want more and can't even stop sometimes. For example with chocolate. There are many out there (me including) who sometimes just want a small little piece of chocolate but after eating one you want more... someone noticed that?
here or just look through his blog. If not, read it anyway it does no harm 😉. And while reading you can also join the challenge! Your body will be thankful for that!!!
Well, if so then I would suggest you to read the post from @guyfawkes4-20 about the sugar addicition, you can find it

Anyway what I want to say...
...is, that I took up his challenge, too. Since this Monday, I think it was the 29th of January (Wow we are already one month in the New Year 😲), I stopped eating sugar. Well at least I do not eat the things which I now contain sugar, like finished products which include bread, Pizza, sauces, juices, soft drinks and of course all kind of candies.
I intend to post at the end of every week how I did and how I felt. If I notice some visible changes in my exterior profile I will mention them too! This is also the reason why I only write this post now, I was waiting till the end of the first week.
Now to the second part
I would like to announce some people to join this challenge. If I nominate you, this doesn't mean you have to do this. It is just as a normal challenge. You can accept or reject. It is up to you! Also please don't get me wrong when I name you here, ok?😉
Sugar Challenge post. If you join please nominate some others so we can spread this challenge over steemit!! The rules you can also find in @guyfawkes4-20
Ok, now my nominations are: @missdeli, @vieira, @naditinkoff, @veganstudent and @kochvegan! Hopefully all or some of you will join and have some fun too while doing it ;)
And the last part
How did I survive this week without sugar?
Well, let me start right from the beginning...
On Sunday I had ma last chocolate bar for the next 30 days. I have to say I though I would enjoy it more but somehow I didn't even realize I was eating my last sweet thing.

When the next day came in I was only eating fruits if I would like to have some sweetness. It was really ok and I felt great. Didn't miss any sugar at all. The second day, Tuesday, went similar: eating fruits especially bananas. But then the awful Wednesday came... You will get to know why by looking at the following pictures:

No, I didn't eat any of it. But it was hard as f***. Sorry for the language!
One of my collegues had birthday so she baked two cakes. One of them was a oreo-cheesecake!!! I always wanted to try out one!!!! Antoher one had his last working day so he brought some sweets too.... And a third one also brought some cake because his girlfriend was baking the other day!!! I mean, why now when I started this challenge!! I felt really bad for a while sitting in front of all this delicious (and some of them selfmade) stuff. BUT at home I started bragging about how strong my will was today! Hahaha it was quite of funny because suddenly I felt amazing. I think just because I proofed myself I can do it!
So this was the only day of the whole week, when I thought, "ok, only one tiny little bite! I can start the challenge next week!"
But no, next week something else may comes up so I had to start now or never! And until today I did great 😁 And also feeling great!
If you like how this feels, you can go to the next level and try low carb high fat (LCHF) or the ultimate... ketosis! I started a few weeks ago. It sounds like you’d appreciate the effects of it... and the science behind it.
I am eating completely vegan right now so I think high fat would be a bit hard for me ^^ But thank you for this tip!
Right, just like vegans can't get enough protein ;-)
I couldn't resist that one given the years I heard it and it didn't make sense. I eat a lot of nuts, avocado and the like. Since protein has to be limited to maintain ketosis, I don't eat a lot of meat.
My real sources of fat come from butter and oils starting with butter and MCT/coconut oil in my morning coffee. I get that you can't have butter but coconut, olive and avocado oil have the same fat concentration as butter. A friend told me he treats vegetables merely as transport for butter (and thus you can replace that with coconut oil). Fry up any veggie you want in coconut oil. #soooogooooooood!
Ah okay now I get it :D Luckily I already do it, not so often but from time to time I fry some vegetables with coconut oil! It has an interesting taste afterwards!
Komplett mit dem Zucker Konsum aufzuhören ist meiner Meinung nach nahezu unmöglich... Ein guter Anfang wäre z.B. Wasser zu trinken anstelle der Diabetesflaschen aka. Soft Drinks :D
Ich selber merke, dass man generell wacher ist, wenn man den Zucker Konsum etwas einstellt und man sich dadurch belebter fühlt.
Das stimmt :D Aber ich versuche ihn so gut es geht runterzufahren, heißt wirklich keine Süßigkeiten und da wo ich weiß, dass hundertpro Zucker drinsteckt. Also back ich dann lieber Brot selber od koch etwas für mich, weil der Zuckerzusatz in manchen Lebensmitteln finde ich sinnlos ist ^^ Und Softdrinks mag ich von Kind auf nicht so wirklich, glaub weil meine Eltern mir den nie gekauft haben ^^
Echt? Dasselbe ist mir auch aufgefallen :D Also versucht du auch weniger Zucker zu konsumieren ab und zu ?
Süßigkeiten esse ich seit mind. 4 Jahren auch fast gar nicht mehr und Softdrinks sind zwar echt toll aber wenn man die täglich hat, gewöhnt man sich daran und dann ist es nichts besonderes mehr und Energy Drinks wirken dann auch überhaupt nicht...
Ich versuche weniger Zucker zu konsumeren allerdings habe ich mir das nicht als festes Ziel gesetzt, aber ich trinke lieber Wasser und dafür ab und an ein paar Softdrinks (dann gibts wenigstens den Belohnungseffekt).
Das ist ja super!
Ich hab etwas Probleme, wenn es um Süßigkeiten geht... deshalb dachte ich die Challenge wäre ganz gut für mich ;)
Hahaha das stimmt ab und zu belohnen gehört auch dazu :D Und solange man nichts übertreibt ist auch alles in Ordnung.
Also ne Naschkatze ^^
Das stimmt, zu übertreiben is nie besonders hilfreich..
Hahahahaha ja so könnte man mich nennen ^^
Hahaha this is funny!