Sugar Baby VS Feminist, is it Contradictory to be a Sugar Baby and Feminist at the Same Time?

in #sugarbaby7 years ago

Some will consider sugar babies are a group of young girls who are blind and has no definite views of their own, because they think sugar relationship is cool, like pop culture to follow. If you ask, I would say these people are the same group of people who said sugar babies are the same as prostitutes. Both of two points are know nothing about sugar dating and belittle the women.

Feminist Sugar Baby: Strong Mind and Independence of Sugar Baby

Being a feminist is believing and fighting for women’s rights to being equal and part of that is making our own decisions. Just like being a sugar baby is someone's own choice she made, being a feminist knowing that everyone is allowed to do whatever they want, so anybody shouldn't judge that. We have asked our users of Sudy many questions about their sugar life, in this process we can easily see that our sugar babies have their own strong-mind and they are independent as well.

Some sugar babies are full-time sugar baby and most of them do it part-time, they can balance sugaring with personal life.

They have own plans like how to spend the allowance from their sugar daddies and what advantages to do that, good for their college life or career in the future.

Is It Contradictory to be a Sugar Baby and Feminist at the Same Time?

Feminism is really about the equal treatment of all sexes in society. It means that men and women are equally compensated for the same jobs and are treated consistently in society. Both genders should be equally treated and obviously both be spoiled. We have not only female sugar babies but lots of male sugar babies as well, we're not saying that women are better than men, which is hence the term "feminist", on the contrary, I think it seems a more equal community of sugar babies looks like, because no matter what color they are, what races or what genders they are, young or mature, they all sugar babies, they made the same choice for no matter what reasons. Sounds funny but the truth is, sugar babies won't care about any unequal topic because it's nothing to do with their lifestyle. In that aspect, sugar babies are the real feminist for good.

What does Real Sugar Baby Think About That?

Do you consider yourself a feminist, why? Is it contradictory to be a sugar baby and feminist at the same time? Our users have their own thoughts which may come closer to the majority view, I quote some as following:

  • I am a feminist. I don’t think it really contradicts anything. Feminism is all about equal rights and being able to do what makes us happy just like men can. It’s really all about point of view I guess. I get to do what makes me happy and what really makes my life comfortable while holding up my political views and points at the same time. Hopefully.
  • I am a feminist and I believe that being a sugar baby has nothing to do with that. I have met amazing women working as sexual workers who are strong independent women, full feminists. Women and men are equal. Being a sugar baby, I know that there are sugar babies that are men and women... we all want something in life and its only human! Everyone wants something in life and being a sugar baby or daddy/mommy is just a part of that. Humans are ment for companionship.
  • I do consider myself to be a feminist. Feminism is about women getting the respect and rights they deserve because they are human. Women deserve to be listened to without being undermined. Women deserve to have a voice. Women can decide for themselves and for their bodies. Women are not obligated to please anyone but themselves and whomever they choose to love. I do not think sugaring contradicts with feminism because feminism is about self-love and humanity. I am the judge of who I wish to date, short or long term.
  • I consider myself to be a feminist, yes. I do not believe that sugar dating is contradictory, however, because it’s simply an exchange of a service for money. Men come onto these website because they want to spend money, and women come onto these websites because they want money. Prostitution does not negate feminism, either. Feminism is about gaining equality for women, and I don’t see misogyny here. There are men who are sugar babies, as well. Again, it’s is solely an exchange of service for money.
  • I do consider myself as a feminist absolutely! That means that I believe in equal rights for men and women, meaning women should have the right to choose their lifestyle! I'll always be a feminist and I hope I can be a sugar baby for a very long time because they do not contradict at all! I have a choice just like every other sugar baby and woman has :)
  • Feminism is the right for the woman to choose what they want to do. Saying this is unfeminist is a non feminist thing to say. No one should judge what another woman does. I am a feminist therefore I have the right to choose this lifestyle. I work full time as well. Stay at home moms should not be judged and neither should sugar babies. Feminism is the ability to choose and not be forced in one direction.
  • I am happy to say I'm a feminist, despite some people's negative conentations associated with that. The fact that there are sugar daddies and sugar mommies speaks for how non gender specific the concept is. I'm a very independent, empowered woman. Accepting gifts from a sugar daddy is very sexy in my mind, (having him give up control for me). Now my autonomy in how I spend that allowance or what I do for my Daddy in return, I find very empowering in a feminist mindset. Accepting help doesn't make me less capable, but wow can it make a difference!
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I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.

- Mahatma Gandhi