My son is the kind of little boy to stare at me and emit a very long 'Reeeeeaaaaally?', generally followed by an ironic 'Yeah sure', when I say crazy things. Santa belongs to that :)
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My son is the kind of little boy to stare at me and emit a very long 'Reeeeeaaaaally?', generally followed by an ironic 'Yeah sure', when I say crazy things. Santa belongs to that :)
smart kid, you have. :) I totally can hear him.
Did you make this fascinating experience that the faith of a child is so huge that it effects you as an adult, too? Sure you did, as you're a father... :)
When my boy was in that certain age, where miracles were true and he was so excited to look for Santa, I got goose bombs and was as much aroused as he was.
Children will take everything we give, which is why we also have to be careful with myths and miracles. I am more on the scientific side and the "prove it by yourself" side. Probably some professional deformation. My wife is there for the magical side ;)
HeHe. I like your self humor. At least you give some space for the magic ;-)
After some glasses of wine :D