Some excellent advice there. Although I will say that starting a business is not as easy as it seems. Most employed people look out of the window with big ideas of running their own successful business. I've worked full time at developing my business for 6 months and still haven't earned a penny. It's a work in progress but it's going to take a lot more hard work.
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All you have to do is keep at it. I think it's a pretty general consensus that most starting businesses always operate at a loss for the first year or two. If it's something you believe in, and work at, the word will get out and it will start becoming successful. I work for someone who began with just me and him 10 years ago. Now he has around 10 employees, a tow truck company, full bodyshop etc. It's work, but it will happen in time if you keep at it. Good luck in your endeavors. Without people who start up businesses, a lot of people would be out of work, so props to you for going off on your own.
I agree! It can be rough the first couple of years but with dedication and hard work comes success! Thanks for commenting and interacting on my blog @darkinfiniti 🙏🏼
Thank you very much! Your thoughts are deeply appreciated 🙏🏼 Keep it up and good luck with your new business! It will not be easy that's for sure, but don't give up and I guarantee that in time you will gain rewards from all of your efforts! God bless! And don't hesitate to come back and chat with us !
Many thanks for that.
My pleasure!