What has your life taught you so far?

in #success8 years ago

Wear shoes, it makes walk sleek.
“ If life gives you lemon, sell them and buy shoes”.

Avoid relationship(s) unless you're settled.
“ Committing to someone just because you're single is like buying a nano because you want a car”.

Weigh your words before shooting them out.
“ A 3 inch tongue can kill a 6 feet man”.

Never say NO to pizza♡.
“ If pizza is declared as a religion, India can surely be the most powerful secular nation”.

Pen down your failure stories.
“ Successful people are tailed with failure stories”.

Have a dog.
“ A house is not a home without a dog”.

Move on.
“ It was privilege to love you and it was a privilege to let you go. Both helped shape me into the person I've become”.

Never rebel your mom.
“ Mom is always right”.

Use margins on both the sides of examination sheet, it reduces area of writing and also add up to symmetry.
“ Length of the answer should be > Weightage of question”.

Either believe in yourself or the God(s).
“ Two ways of living:

  1. There's no miracle.

  2. Evrything is a miracle”.

Believe in today.
“ One today is better than two tomorrows”.

Have crushes, not obsession.
“ Crushes are a reason why being single isn't that boring”.

Take care of plants.
“ Slaking thirst of plants gives a satisfaction”.

Never open your lunch box in front of hostler(s).
“ When we say food, it's FOOOOOD :P”.

Wake up early in morning , so you don't miss that orange tint of sky.
“ Respect Sun”.

Say NO to smoking/Alcohol/weed.
“ I don't drink, just to know when I'm having a good time”.

Write a diary but also make sure your mom never reach to it.
“ Dear mom, when you've read it , don't ask me anything”.

For boys: Never mistreat a girl.
“ She’s holy water and hell fire both, the flavour you get depends on how you treat her”.

When they sleep ,work even harder.
“ The sun watches what I do, but the moon knows all my secrets”. [ NO SARCASM ;)]

How do you know when it's over?
“ May be when you feel more in love with your memories than with the person standing in front of you”.